Other family members with SA?


Well-known member
Hi, I just wanted to know if you were the only one suffering of SA in your family. It's strange because in my family, I'm the only one to suffer of this... I have 2 little sisters and they socialize very easily. They had the same problems of bullying in middle school, like me, but it's just like all these events formed their character. My parents, like my sisters don't seem to suffer of SA.
So, what about your family?


Well-known member
Same here. I'm a solitary family member with SA and that makes me a true outsider and sort of off wavelength with the rest. There's no harmony whatsoever from a relation perspective. It distances me from them. They actually don't happen to know about my SA or how it affects me, which naturally causes a lot of problems.

It also seems like I don't have any cousins or aunts/uncles/other family members who seem to suffer from SA^^.


Well-known member
Now that you mention it, my cousin could be a potential sufferer of SA: he's extremely shy around people he doesn't know well, can't go anywhere alone either. Seems paranoid around people really. It would certainly explain a lot.