OT: The Departed, great movie...


Hi guys, hope you are all well, I know this is a little off topic but I just thought I'd reccomend a new film which just came out at the cinema, the new film from legendary filmmaker Martin Scorsese, the directer of such classics as Taxi Driver, Raging Bull, GoodFellas (my all time favourite movie) and Casino.
For those of you who don't know the story line, the film is set in Boston, and focuses on the FBI's efforts to crack down on the city's organised crime element, particularly on Irish mob boss Frank Costello, played here superbly by a devilish Jack Nicholson.
The Feds put in an undercover cop, played here by Leonardo DiCaprio, into Costello's crew, in their effort to get quick results.
But what they hadn't bargained for, was on Costello having his own 'mole', played here impressively by Matt Damon, working for him deep within the high ranks of the police force, tipping him off on any major stings, thus helping him keep avaiding capture.
It soon becomes apparent to both sides, that there's a rat which needs to be gotten rid off, and violence and bloodshed soon follow...
The film isn't a scorsese masterpiece, and doesn't come close to reaching the brilliance of, say, GoodFellas & Casino, but is indeed an entertaining and worthy movie all the same, with a great supporting cast, some fine moments and more than a few twists in the story.
I went watching this at the cinema on my own at a Friday afternoon showing, when the auditorium was near enough empty, as i hate distractions during important movies like this one.
Highly recomended from yours truly.


Yeah, I'm aware that it's a remake of Infernal Affairs, which I'm looking forward to buying next week, as I'm told it's a great film.