Option Overload


Well-known member
So, I’m currently undergoing my final year of high school (thank goodness!) but now I’m left with what on earth am I meant to do with my life next year? I have so many different options readily available to me and I have never been so confused in my entire life! It's hard because I am naturally an indecisive person and to add to that I am a total procrastinator :giggle:. I am really conflicted on what to do because every choice offers a different opportunity, and they are all really exciting. I've worked really hard at things my whole life so that I would have these opportunities, I wanted to have options and really make something of myself and my life despite my fears and concerns. I've always been determined to make the most of my life and not let anything hold me back, I want to make a difference and I want to be happy. So, so far these are the options that have been made available to me;
  • Work in England for a year as a nanny
  • Work in America for a year as a nanny (and also be with my boyfriend who lives there)
  • Take a 2-5 year contract as a full time administrative assistant at a lawyers office in my hometown
  • Go straight to university
  • Take a full time position at my current place of employment
  • Work in Cambodia and help rescue the young girls sold into sex slavery and teach them about life. This could go from 6 months to 2 years.
  • Move to the city with a small group of friends and work or go to university and travel together.
  • Backpack in Europe with a good friend.

There are so many choices and these are the ones i have for just now, I’m finding it really hard to try and choose. I just have no idea what to do and decisions need to start being made soon. :kickingmyself:


Well-known member
When I finished school, I straight to university. Big mistake for me - I wasn't ready, I didn't really want to be there for the work (just the social). So I failed, quit and went to New York to be a nanny. I loved doing not much at all there and ended up staying two years. That's an additional year of not getting a real job that would contribute to my long term prospects, and an extra year of no good education. I came home, went to university, was restless from the travel bug and kept wandering off. This was fun, but didn't help my mental health issues or my long term life prospects at the time.

My advice would be, if you can afford it, travel for a year and then go to university.

But restrict the travel to 12 months and make sure you DO go to university at the end of it. You can work in an unskilled low paying job such as admin assistant any time in life you want - but its not going to get any easier as you get older to get a degree and a career you can rely on, that will create a life for you, beyond trudging to work each day 9 - 5 making money for someone else.

From experience its really important to set goals, timelines and stick to them, particularly at this time in your life.

As for which type of travelling, Id chose Cambodia. There's very specific reasons for that.
If you go to the US / UK, you will be living with a family (I assume), and looking after their kids and it is almost a full time job - its really not as fun as it sounds, there will be rules, expectations, not much travelling, and not much "life learning" - I know because I've done it. The skills you earn will not directly help you later (unless youre going into child car as a career).

If you go to Cambodia, it will be a whole different ball game. Cambodia is extremely safe, btw, and the culture is rich, and very different - you will learn things here that a western country will never teach you. You will have experiences you just wont get in a western country. The place, and what you will be doing there, is the type of thing that allows you to learn a lot about the world and yourself. It will be an amazing experience that will always be with you in a way that nannying wont be able to give. What you are doing there WILL give you skills you can apply to work places and your life in general, later.

but up to you :D