Opinions of Seredyn anyone?

Well... Seredyn is a mixture of L-Theanine, passion flower extract, and valerian extract. I have tried using other brands of passion flower and valerian extract to no effect, but I have no experience with l-theanine. My gut feeling is that it's another bunk "herbal remedy" mixture.

Of course, the quality of herbal extracts varies widely between manufacturers, so I guess it's possible it could do something. But if I remember correctly, the supposed mechanism of action for these herbs are on the GABA receptors, like benzos and alcohol, so even if it did work it would be less of a cure and more of a temporary aid.


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I took serydyn for a month and am now trying anxietol 7 their both natural , havn't felt any change though .. when ya take them ya kinda feel alittle buzz but doesn't really help , I still feel nervous and stuff in social situations..