Only like to talk if spoken too?


Well-known member
Do you like to talk to new people or even people you know only when they ask you a question? I do, even with my family outside my main family i live with, i don't really talk, only if they ask me a question but even that i like to keep the answer short. But with my main family i can join in with conversations that are not really to me. Like if i'm going out with my mum, and she see's someone she knows and stops to talk to her, i don't join in with their conversations they have, i just like to listen and sometimes laugh or smile and only actually talk if that someone asks me something.


Well-known member
I never used to talk to anyone, not even my family.

Speaking your mind or giving of yourself is considered a two way thing. A conversation needs to be well balanced, not like 100% one person doing all the talking. But this is really difficult because it means talking about your self or what goes on in your life to relate to the other person. Many of us want to hide the truth from others especially about ourself. How can we talk about ourself if we dont like ourself? How can we talk positively about our life if its just filled with anxiety and pain?

People talk about what is important to them. Even if it is garbage and meaningless in our eyes.

The most useful and positive thing to do is watch your own reactions and thoughts if you cant fully engage in the world of the other person, this means active listening where you are totally there with the other persons point of view or 'on their level'.

Of these two skills its better to learn how you feel/think about things first than engaging in active listening with someone else because it can be quite difficult but it gets easier to listen as time goes on because you have more self control to stop thinking about your self too much.

Giving an opinion is harder than it seems but that comes in time.



Well-known member
I talk to all of my family members all the time with no problems at all. However, when it comes to coworkers or people in school, yeah, I basically only really talk when asked a question or something. Other than that I don't actively participate in the conversation, I just listen and laugh or smile.