Yeah the problem is u can't order pills online forever and when they run out (like they did for me 2 months ago, which basically caused a nervous breakdown, now i can barely leave my room) ur really screwed.
I was addicted to klonopin that i got online for 2 and a half years, they worked brilliantly at first, SA totally gone, but it's a bit like prescribing alcohol for anxiety, it'll work but itll also screw u up eventually. they made me too uninhibited at times, so i either appeared like a maniac or a mute to people depending on whether i'd popped a pill or not. now i'm 27 years old, have had to quit my jobs, back with parents, going thru hellish benzo withdrawal and worse than i ever was to start with. Totally socially crippled. Managed to start and quit both a PhD and a masters degree during those 2 years as well. not good. Emotionally i'm about 14.
Don't self-presribe! The other drugs they give for SA (like prozac etc) don't seem to work well anyway.... But if u wanted to try them go to ur dr.
It's so painful, it seems like there isn't an answer to this. I thought i had a glimpse of what normal people feel like when i was on klonopin, now im back to constant fear and avoidance. :?