On a transition from darkness to light


Well-known member
I find being miserable is a full time job with no benefits.
So its time to make a transition from this darkness into the light and im working on it.
Im trying to heal and its consuming me because its alot of work.
So ive eliminated outside distractions that are negative or consuming and im trying to keep the focus on me.
I have alot of issues to deal with but i dont want to live in them anymore
I want to live with them. That means accepting what i cannot change and changing what ican. I have inventoried and meditated deeply on how and why i got so very sick. And a lot of people, places and events have been running through my head causing me a great deal of anger and saddness.
But i no longer feel its beneficial to me to keep rehashing these bad memories and pain. I cant change the past. I must LET GO OF THE PAST,learn from my mistakes ,put forth boundries and practice different methods of having my needs met.
Sounds easier than it is but im tired of suffering .
I want my life back. My energy. My joy.
I must reengage in my interests and move on
I have been stuck too long.
I wish no longer to commerate
I wish no longer to avoid
I think what i most want is to just be.
Just be comfortable in my own skin for a change.
So im putting down that bat of self doubt and negativity and im going to practice
And im taking the bat out of anybodys hand that has at me.
Because i just want to be free to be me.
I'm practicing quite the same technique. I've literally been in the dark with the shades down all summer and in my room lamenting my situation and how I'm not like others but I'm seeking help from my situation because I want to be freed from the fear that's preventing me from enjoying my summer. Social phobia can lead to a world of darkness that leads to painful depression.