Okay so

Like some of you people read, I smoke weed.

I was completely out, and decided to go look for some. I knew my mom smokes, so i went to her room to have a look around.

I look under her bed, in shoeboxes, then her dresser.

Last drawer of the dresser, i find a magazine, on this magazine are 3 little tiny baggies, filled with this white shit, a few straws, and a cut in half drivers license.

My first thought is "Oh god, my mom is into coke" which is horrible in itself, because its so addicting.

Then i decide, I have no idea what this shit is really, for all i know it could be crushed up pills, meth, or even heroine.

Meth melts brown, Heroine melts clear (unless its black). Coke melts too..i think.

Anyways, out with the spoon and the lighter, and it melts, clear.

SO either its coke or heroine. I have no fucking clue which one, because I haven't really even seen that shit up close before.

Like does anyone know what I should do? Should I talk to her? Should I leave this alone? Should I pour this shit out?

Please someone help.


Well-known member
That's awful, HellFire! What are you, about 19? What a crap thing to find in your mom's room at any age! I don't know what you should do, though. But, jeez, that would depress the heck outta me. :( Is she a good mom to you? Are you close to her? I don't know how she'll respond if you try talking to her, whether your close or not. I mean, you were going through her stuff. If she did that to you, you'd probably be pretty upset. On the other hand, you'd think she'd do something if the situation were reversed. Ugh! What a bummer of a situation! Maybe start by moving out!


Well-known member
sabbath92003 said:
Thelema said:
Throw it out and she'll get the message

Then when she throws you out and you need to find a job, a place to live, food, etc., you'll have learned about privacy.

Privacy? Our whole culture is built around a lack of privacy..your argument is ridiculous
Thelema said:
sabbath92003 said:
Thelema said:
Throw it out and she'll get the message

Then when she throws you out and you need to find a job, a place to live, food, etc., you'll have learned about privacy.

Privacy? Our whole culture is built around a lack of privacy..your argument is ridiculous

If she pays the rent, then she makes the rules.


Well-known member
sabbath92003 said:
Thelema said:
sabbath92003 said:
Thelema said:
Throw it out and she'll get the message

Then when she throws you out and you need to find a job, a place to live, food, etc., you'll have learned about privacy.

Privacy? Our whole culture is built around a lack of privacy..your argument is ridiculous

If she pays the rent, then she makes the rules.

We're not talking rent, we're talking a son and a mother


Active member
thats quite the prediciment.

a similar thing happened to a friend of mine, but he just found a bunch of empty coke flaps and straws, we all knew his mom did coke anyway.

If i was you i would talk to her about it.

Dont say you found it in her droor or even found anything. just maybe ask if she does drugs, and maybe a positive conversation will come from it. like you could tell her you smoke weed, if she doesnt already know, and then maybe say something along the lines of ive thought of experimenting with new drugs lately, and see how she reacts. Anyways, good luck.