I think my username should be "whiny w*n*c*a*m"
anyway, I was so whiny yesterday because of a lot of things...
simple things that a "whiny w*ngch*rm" could only whine
- A guy friend visited (that neighbor again)... then we ended up surfing the net and checking his
"Friendster" account... and then I saw in his friend's list
a name similar to mine (you see, I have a unique name so I was kind'a
surprised to see someone similar to my name "even the spelling") Anyway,
I just commented "I thought my name is unique!" and guess what he replied?
"Yeah! And She's prettier than you!"
I was kind'a pissed off by that. I don't even care how that person looks!
And to think that nasty reply came from a guy! :evil:
- after that we went outside. When i was about to sit beside him, he transferred to the other side
and blurted out "I think you should sit there" (what he really mean is that I should sit near his bestfriend)
That was so embarassing! But in a joking way I told him
"to stop playing cupid, "Addict"!" :evil:
- And then we talked about music, he realized that I love playing punk rock and I was having a great time talking with his bestfriend
because we have the same taste in music. Then he suddenly said "Ah! now I know! You're a "tomboy"" :evil:
I really want to punch his nose at that time... but as usual, I just replied in a joking way like "How could you?"
But what I really wanna say to him is "Oh! So maybe you're gay!"
- And so we just hang out there until late evening. Thankfully, my sister
is with us to keep the conversation lively. But as hours passed, what I've been
worrying about is that I already feel sleepy and they don't even have a slightest
signal of wanting to go home. And so at 1130 pm. I just told them that I wanna
sleep now and I went to my room with my sister to entertain those two.
That made me realize that I'm not really suited for social situations because
I easily get bored. Maybe it's not really me. Maybe i should stop whining about
being aloof with other people because it's not really me...
but what I'm thinking right now is that guy friend!
He's still the usual funny guy I talked with but he have some moments that
he gives rude comments "out of the blue"... like he's being sarcastic.
But when he sees me he'll tell me that he misses me!
What Should I do to a weird person like him?!!!! :evil:
anyway, I was so whiny yesterday because of a lot of things...
simple things that a "whiny w*ngch*rm" could only whine
- A guy friend visited (that neighbor again)... then we ended up surfing the net and checking his
"Friendster" account... and then I saw in his friend's list
a name similar to mine (you see, I have a unique name so I was kind'a
surprised to see someone similar to my name "even the spelling") Anyway,
I just commented "I thought my name is unique!" and guess what he replied?
"Yeah! And She's prettier than you!"
I was kind'a pissed off by that. I don't even care how that person looks!
And to think that nasty reply came from a guy! :evil:
- after that we went outside. When i was about to sit beside him, he transferred to the other side
and blurted out "I think you should sit there" (what he really mean is that I should sit near his bestfriend)
That was so embarassing! But in a joking way I told him
"to stop playing cupid, "Addict"!" :evil:
- And then we talked about music, he realized that I love playing punk rock and I was having a great time talking with his bestfriend
because we have the same taste in music. Then he suddenly said "Ah! now I know! You're a "tomboy"" :evil:
I really want to punch his nose at that time... but as usual, I just replied in a joking way like "How could you?"
But what I really wanna say to him is "Oh! So maybe you're gay!"
- And so we just hang out there until late evening. Thankfully, my sister
is with us to keep the conversation lively. But as hours passed, what I've been
worrying about is that I already feel sleepy and they don't even have a slightest
signal of wanting to go home. And so at 1130 pm. I just told them that I wanna
sleep now and I went to my room with my sister to entertain those two.
That made me realize that I'm not really suited for social situations because
I easily get bored. Maybe it's not really me. Maybe i should stop whining about
being aloof with other people because it's not really me...
but what I'm thinking right now is that guy friend!
He's still the usual funny guy I talked with but he have some moments that
he gives rude comments "out of the blue"... like he's being sarcastic.
But when he sees me he'll tell me that he misses me!
What Should I do to a weird person like him?!!!! :evil:
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