Oh eck!


Staff member
My PC has bit the dust and I'm having to share my kids PC, will not be around too much for the next couple of days I think, I reckon the motherboards gone :S

hope to have it fixed soon, very annoying as I'm so skint at the mo


Staff member
My PC wont run on XP but I have it semi working on Windows 98 (oh the shame) ! :(


Staff member

Luckily I still have the kids PC to use, though I cant believe how full of virus's spyware and downloaded crappy prgrams it is, I've had to spend two days just sorting that out!

my other PC is toast I think, windows 98 only semi worked, I spent £200 before chrimbo putting it together, seems hard drive cooked and took alot of other things with it, I'm hoping the video card was untouched as that was expensive