OCD Shed CLean up


Well-known member
well today, i had to mind our daughter while she was out dealing with something else for the afternoon, so my daughter loves the backyard, so i decided to clean the shed out, which has contained about a dozen moving box's which hadnt been opened in the 3 years since we moved here. So i started going through them, mostly just collected crap, not quight garbage, but things like new avon, cosmetic products, arts and crafts, lots and lots of blank paper, appliances, etc, a lot of which belonged to her nan, something she has seriously obsessed about having everything she had, used mix masters and hair dryers from the 60's

I did keep some things, amounting to maybe 1/4 of a box, containing barbie dolls, jewelry, food ball and xena stuff, and a few select art things, and a box of books, which we will take to the op shop.

ive done these sorts of clean ups before, i usually fill a 7 x 4 caged trailer to the brim and take them to the tip. but can i take this to an op shop, i dont really want to go through each box individually for them, but can i just dump them on their door step and say go through them and keep what you want and throw the rest out?

2morow ill set on the garage which contains probably 2 dozen box's

mind you, over the past 3 years, i can remember atleast a dozen loads like this to the tip...


Well-known member
well that night, she climbed into the trailer and was going through pulling things out of the trailer,

now today im trying to clean the garage out, and shes standing in my way, claiming to help me by saying you cant throw this out, you cant throw that out, basically nothing is being thrown out of 3 year old moving boxes that havnt been opened full of useless garbage, 1 box is just full of cut up wooden pieces and shapes.


Well-known member
well this was an intresting experience today, she rescued about a dozen boxes of stuff, but i got about 2 dozen in the trailer, which im going to take to the dump.

i really hateliving with an ocd horder..


Well-known member
well i feel like shit, i took all the box'es to the tip shop today, ive told her over the past 3 years to go through the box's, i even take a box out every now and again and give it to her, i told her if she didnt do it, i would throw them out, which i did.

i fear when i go to work 2morow, she and my daughter wont be here 2morow when i come home,

was it so wrong to throw her unopened clutter out, she has the rest of the house covered a meter deep in her clutter still...


Well-known member
well after this, she had a winge saying i buy tent after tent after tent, for some reaosn, maybe because i just brought a new tent, so i gave away the other 2 tents today, so i have virtually nothing, she hords, and makes me throw all my stuff out, i have nothing, no childhoon memories, the only thing i have is this old computer, my bikes, my tools, and some camping gear, appart from clothes, work bits and things, and im affraid what else she will destroy of mine in revenge... the house is apsolutely covered in her clutter, took two 5 ton moving trucks to get all her crap here... i recon i could fit my stuff into a trailer, well appart from my 3 bikes, which really two are hers anyway.


Well-known member
i seriously have to get out of this relationship, in retaliation she has trashed the house totally, the floor is covered in food dishes, garbage, cans, bottles, plastic bags, apsolutely scattered everywhere

the kitchen every dish is dirty, filled with food, stacked all over the bench tops,

shes managed this in 3 days since i went back to work, 12 hour shifts, so i work sleep work...

i just dont want to loose my 19 month old daughter!


Well-known member
I have a 19 month old daughter also. You should just make sure she gets help. telling someone with OCD to not do something they do is useless it only makes them think about it more. And you have to remember it is not her real personality it is just the OCD. I'm not saying you should be with her if you don't like her bt you shouldn't leave someone because of OCD.