OCD Question - Please Help

May be gross to some, but I tend to obsess whether or not I got my bottom clean when wiping after using the bathroom. I obsess that I may of not wiped right or after wiping I may of got enough feces in that area from a wash towel when showering that I need to wipe and wash again, so how is a to know that we don't need to wipe again without having to wipe again? If we don't smell bad?


Well-known member
jut wipe till their is no color left. if you really feel you smell, then spray some febreeze or some deodorant that you like on the back of your pants or jeans. but honestly, you really wont smell bad at all, people with not notice. my only other recommendation would be to look at your anus in the restroom mirror while wiping to make sure you got everything. hope this helps you, good luck :)


Well-known member
I don't use a wash towel to wipe my butt; I use toilet paper. Because if you use the wash towel, you can get feces on it. Also, if you're a girl, using panty liners can help. If you're worried about feces getting stuck to your underwear, stick a panty liner in your underwear. Plus, some panty liners come with good scents so that takes care of the odor problem.