OCD hater


Well-known member
You are doing fine. Please ignore your sanity for a moment. Things tend to work out,,,,,,


Active member
You are doing fine. Please ignore your sanity for a moment. Things tend to work out,,,,,,

haha, i'm able to throw them out after a minute or two, now that i realize what i have, i can just throw them away and forget them... this forum has helped me greatly, but i'm no where near done


Well-known member
You are doing fine. Please ignore your sanity for a moment. Things tend to work out,,,,,,

I'm not sure if you meant that to be as funny as it sounds.

I know, and I'm glad you don't want medication. I like when people try other routes. I've heard things that made me believe OCD needs medication and things that make me wonder if it works at all. I'm telling you, though, books and websites about Cognitive-Behavioral Therapy and accepting OCD are the way to go.


Active member
yeah, i can accept it, and realize that i'll never commit such horrible acts.... it's just the OCD of vomiting.... makes me miserable.... becuase the anxiety creates nausea, which fuels the ocd...


Active member
like, now, i have another question

i read a topic on Schizophrenia , and not whenever i think of it, i get very nervous, and exhibit the symptoms (i mean, i dont like HEAR voices, i imagine them, and i imagine people are out to get me, but when something else takes over, it goes away completely)

what are my options? i can't take it... my therapist wont help, my parents wont help.... no one i talk to seems to think this is bothering me... help!


OK, first of all, you are not going insane. Try to get yourself calmed down with some breathing. Here are a few things that help me whenever I spike:

1. Dont fight it. The more you try to push away the thoughts forcefully, the more they come back stronger. I try to put a spin on the thoughts to decrease thier power. For instance, when I think I have caused a traffic accident or run down a pedestrian (a daily intrusive thought) I tell myself "oh yeah, I ran over five people, no 10, yup I am running over people right now". By allowing the thought and night fighting it, I have found that it goes away.

2. Put the thought off. Tell yourself that you recognize the bad thought as being real and bothersome. BUT, tell yourself that you are not going to worry about it now. Set a time in the future (I use 11 am and 11 pm). Tell yourself that you will worry about it at the specified times and not before. This way you are taking control.

3. Stay busy. Get your mind wrapped around the things you enjoy or need to focus on.

I hear ya, these thoughts are real and they make you feel powerless. Try to hang in there.



Active member
idk, i just feel like the thoughts are coming on worse, like, i was petting my cat, and i thought to snap his neck...and i felt my arm like... vibrate... and i kept petting him, and the anxiety was mounting...and i just freaked and ran away... i'll try some of those things


Trust me, the same thoughts happen to me. They seem so real that you start to believe that having that thought makes you possible of acting on it. Or, you think that you have already done something and you get overwhelmed with guilt. I know, it happens to me on a daily basis. Trust me, the fact that we worry so much tells us that we are good people who do not act.

The key is interrupting the thought as soon as it happens. Tell yourself "its not me, its my OCD". Then tell yoursef that you will worry bout it when you are ready. It is really hard at first. But with time it gets easier. You will probably find that, at first, you have more spikes. But usually the intnsity is less.

The main factory is you. You have to push yourself to not feed the monster.

Good luck.



Active member
Trust me, the same thoughts happen to me. They seem so real that you start to believe that having that thought makes you possible of acting on it. Or, you think that you have already done something and you get overwhelmed with guilt. I know, it happens to me on a daily basis. Trust me, the fact that we worry so much tells us that we are good people who do not act.

The key is interrupting the thought as soon as it happens. Tell yourself "its not me, its my OCD". Then tell yoursef that you will worry bout it when you are ready. It is really hard at first. But with time it gets easier. You will probably find that, at first, you have more spikes. But usually the intnsity is less.

The main factory is you. You have to push yourself to not feed the monster.

Good luck.

i don't ever want to act......ever... i love my family, my friends, and everyone i know, and they just found out about my problem, they did not label me as crazy, but are helping me, and my mother just told me my father had OCD, she says that he used to stay up all night, worrying that he might die if he went to sleep... and he would ask the same questions, "what if" "what could happen"

maybe i get this from my dad?


Well-known member
Just because you have it doesn't mean your kids will, it just means there could be a higher chance.

Having children can be very rewarding whether you have OCD or not.


Well-known member
i don't ever want to act......ever... i love my family, my friends, and everyone i know, and they just found out about my problem, they did not label me as crazy, but are helping me, and my mother just told me my father had OCD, she says that he used to stay up all night, worrying that he might die if he went to sleep... and he would ask the same questions, "what if" "what could happen"

maybe i get this from my dad?

Yup, you did.
I'm glad they know! Do they understand now? And once you get better to the point where you can deal with having kids (not always worrying what will happen to them, not always needing to think about your own OCD), have kids. You know what to look for, so you can explain to your kids when they're young what sometimes happens to you, and they will know to tell you if it happens to them, and then you can deal with it before it gets this bad! Trust me, the earlier you recognize what's wrong, the easier you get over it. Parents who understand are a huge help. And besides, it's not guaranteed!


Active member
just found out, my mom has had a TON of the symptoms as well... things needing to be in order, things have to be "just right" etc.... it all seems to be coming together... so both my dad and mom have it..... now i know why i have it i guess


Active member
hahah, good thing i got the intelligence.... damn, i DO appreciate that they picked each other, i have life skills that will get me far, such as, "seeing it, and instantly knowing how it works" and "being able to repair things, without instruction"
hey, name is Nate, and i think i have OCD.

for most of my life, (18 now) i always have had one worry or fear, that i had TO CONCENTRATE ON...

here are some examples

one night... i couldn't fall asleep.. so from that night forth, i worried i couldn't fall asleep, even though i knew i could... and i could NOT drop the anxiety or worry until something new came up... and it did

one day, in late july, i got sick... and from then on, i worried every single day about puking... and i couldn't drop the fear until... something new came up.. and it did

one day, i was over my friends house, and he's a big knife fan... and he showed me this HUGE knife, and he let me hold it... and i had the thought "what if i stabbed him" that set off a MILLION alarms in my head, and then from there until now, i have worried i might hurt a loved one or a friend... i DONT want to.... hence the complete terror when the intrusive thought pops in my head... i have done my research.., i spend about 6 - 10 hours a day ruminating about how i could do it, and how scared i am, i asked myself the what if questions... and so on... i hate this... if i go into a spike i have to leave everything, and hide... i dont want to do anything bad, but i fear i will.... what do i do?

EDIT: i also have outside compulsions, like, if i dont get to bed by a certian time, i cannot sleep, because of the anxiety.. when i feel flustered, i NEED to do research, and try to figure out if i'm going crazy, i am scared of getting sick, so i use Hand Sanitizer like you drink water.. everything i touch i picture the germs... i dont like to touch doors... but it wont cause me anxiety... i just need to wash my hands every so often (once every hour or so)



Seriously you're experiencing things that millions of people have gone through. You're not weird or a freak. Your emotions get a little out of control and boom it sets off some crazy thoughts.

We aren't our thoughts. Thank God for that!

I used to have mad insomnia!!! How did it go away? It didn't completely go away. But I learned to just give up and give in and say f--- it. After you release your expectations, sometimes your body just takes care of it.

Good luck- go see a doctor if you're not on meds I take Citalopram and it helps with anxiety OCD!