OCD and SA


Well-known member
I know I've had social anxiety disorder for 5 years now..The other day I was watching The Jane Pauley Show (only because my friend was in NYC and had gone to watch) and it was about OCD. I had heard of it before, but the symptoms they described were just like ones I had as a child. I was a neat freak to the extreme. Now I think that the OCD (Being an anxiety disorder) has sort of prompted my development of SA. Does anyone else have both of these disorders? (Also, now, I don't seem to show symptoms of having obsessive compulsive disorder)


I have ocd and social phobia

I have both ocd and social anxiety disorder also. I was diagnosed 2 years agowith ocd. Im not a neat freak like you are when it comes to having ocd but I constantely wash my hands and obssesing about the stupidest things. Like I obsess about things that will make me unable to speak. For instance if I drink too much then I lose my ability to speak well. ocd and socail anxiety disorder arent a good mixure. You probably have social anxiety disorder because of the fact that you have ocd. when you have ocd you may feel like you have to control every situation, and feel as though you have to be perfect. Therefore you feel as though you have to be perfect with how you speak to people and feel like you are losing control over how you act towards others. With me I have to say everyword perfect or i feel like a faluire or that im not control of myself anymore. its exausting.


New member
Re: I have ocd and social phobia

Hi there - I have come across this website by accident - I am a sufferer of both OCD and SA - My SA developed when I was a teenager - and the my OCD was developing around the of 20 I think - It is a very nasty thing to suffer from - I am also profoundly deaf since birth - Let me explain my symptoms:
1. SA - Shy, worrying about food, will I like the food or not, worrying about staying with relatives - yes my own family - if it is for a odd cuppa or for the day, then I am ok - I worry about what may happen - i.e. getting it out of all proportion
2. OCD - I suffer from intrustive thoughts - I won't go into it, in case you may feel frightened that you have it yourself.
However, do not fear the worst - You will get better - there is help out there - Try and find a Cognitive Behavourial Therapist, buy a book - Mind over mood, a book on positive thinking - I have had 12 sessions of treatment and it has certainly helped me to turn my life around, if not completely but I am getting there.
It is all about gently pushing boundaries and also more importantly, thinking positively about things - A book I had read this week, said that if you hold onto your fear, you are staying in your comfort zone -which is interesting.
I think SA and OCD are linked to being perfect - I like things to go the right way and not offend people, not being able to say NO, going along with what they want, suffering in silence while not thinking about Number one (myself)
I hope you find comfort from this post, that there are lots of sources of help out there. I really wish you all well. Kind regards.


Well-known member
Yeah I have OCD. SA and OCD come hand and hand I think. I have OCD for a few years now. And its really exhausting. I obssess over numbers and stuff. I add in my head all day long. letters represent numbers to me so I add all the letters and stuff.


Well-known member
Re: I have ocd and social phobia

Jackie said:
I have both ocd and social anxiety disorder also. I was diagnosed 2 years agowith ocd. Im not a neat freak like you are when it comes to having ocd but I constantely wash my hands and obssesing about the stupidest things. Like I obsess about things that will make me unable to speak. For instance if I drink too much then I lose my ability to speak well. ocd and socail anxiety disorder arent a good mixure. You probably have social anxiety disorder because of the fact that you have ocd. when you have ocd you may feel like you have to control every situation, and feel as though you have to be perfect. Therefore you feel as though you have to be perfect with how you speak to people and feel like you are losing control over how you act towards others. With me I have to say everyword perfect or i feel like a faluire or that im not control of myself anymore. its exausting.

i can relate with that too. It's just so tiring to watch the way you speak sometimes, and also about having the things neat and organised etc..

and do you guys have to constantly like check your wallet and pockets all the time when you're outside? even when you already know everything's there, but u just gotta check them and make sure everything in you pocket is proper.
like for me, i dont want my jeans to hold on to tightly to the phone or mp3 in my pocket when i sit down, and am constantly watching and arranging it so that it's "properly" placed (like that's ever going to happen lol) and not "damaged". and the opposite which is - you know how "normal" ppl just chuck their stuff around n don't really care.. yeap.

regards.. ocd sucks. :)


Well-known member
Oh! and does anyone find, they have to complete doing something like 100% and totally before they can do anything else?

like suppose you're supposed to have lunch in 5 mins, but you're writing an assignment and you're almost finishing, but you can't just leave yet, and gotta make sure you really fully (perfectly lol) finish it, or that last sentence b4 u go off for your lunch..

or like you're using the computer and emailing but it's bedtime and u feel tired, but you feel you can't just do it halfway etc, like 'normal' would just 'leave it for tomorrow'.. and u gotta make sure you do it "properly" and "right" and send it through completely before you go to bed.. :roll:

just 2 examples here, but u get the idea..

so do any of you have this as part of ur ocd?



Well-known member
nerdgirl178 said:
Yeah I have OCD. SA and OCD come hand and hand I think. I have OCD for a few years now. And its really exhausting. I obssess over numbers and stuff. I add in my head all day long. letters represent numbers to me so I add all the letters and stuff.

I Can relate to what Nerdgirl Said, i get totally obsessed over numbers, sometimes i wud feel im out of control, ..... I wud think of patterns(sometimes cars) as numbers,,and how it looks in differrent shapes.. i dont know how to explain that,, but its hard 4 me to sit in the car and count every single tree or street line, and if i missed one, i wud relate to miles and time, and the rate i cud find the total missage.. i dont know wat im sayin now.. but its crazy.

I Dont think i have OCD, but i do have this obsessive pattern of thoughts, like i cant study if the cup is on my left, or i cant go to skool if i didnt wake up 2 hours ago, or i cant go out without holding something in my hand, or i cant study if certain books arent arranged in the right order.

Because it doesnt reallyy effect my life.. Then its Not OCD.


New member
Wow I am so happy to see other people suffering from the same thing as me. So my OCD is mostly on the obsessive side. I obsess over small details. I think that small little things represent something big. And I analyze and obsess over whatever I'm analyzing. Anyway, regarding my social anxiety.....I tend to overthink little things like inflections in the way i'm talking or punctuation in the way i'm texting. I assume that people see these little details in how I talk or express myself, and take it to mean something that might be bad or detrimental to our friendship. So even when i'm talking with good friends, I feel like I have to be super careful and nit picky in the way I express myself so they don't take it the wrong way and decide not to be my friend. I often think that the littlest things could promote this.