OCD and PE.


New member
Hi, I have recently been re-diagnosed with ocd. I had it when i was younger where i was afraid to eat food, touch doorknobs ect. Then all the symptoms went away after a year.

I also suffer from Adhd, and slight depression, Low Testosterone also. ( i think from the many, SSRIS, mood stabilizers, anti psychotics they tried me on when i was 16-20) and fractred my L5 in my lower back at 16. Start of the ocd and depression. mainly depression.

I am 21 years old and the ocd has re-surfaced i have irrational worries, and fears. Intrusive thoughts and mental images. I constantly have to ask questions to make the thoughts stop, or check things on the internet. I look for more complicated answer on the internet aboult the causes of my problems and make my self sick. I have thoughts that get stuck in my head and spin around and around and never leave even when rationally disproving them. I have low self-esteem for the most part but very high self esteem in other aspects of my life like athletic ability ect ect but even worry and doubt my self about that from time to time. I have high anxiety and always expect the worse. I think to much aboult the past and the future and never aboult the present. A car could fly at me head on and i wont even worry just reacts and go on, no increased heart rate or anything. Things that should scare me don't only things inside my head.

I am currently only taking androgen for the Low T. I take Valerian root and pasion flower for my nerves and helps make the thoughts not as bad. No ocd or adhd medication atm.

My question is does any one have sexual problems caused by the OCD. Like ED and Premature ejaculation? When doing anything sexual i feel extremely nervous and think things like is she liking this, is it good enough, Am i good enough will my penis work ect ect. Usually ends up cumming with in a minute to 4 minutes. I would like to know if anyone else out there suffers this with the ocd. Basicly i wanna know if its all in my head or could it be something else

Or if anyone has a more thought based OCD like me where the obsessions and compulsions are more mental then anything.

Read more: Mental Conditions Forum - OCD and Sexual proplemss! Mental Conditions Forum - OCD and Sexual proplemss!