OCD about being a pedophile... so scary.


Well-known member
OCD discussion

My humble understanding on this subject is:

* Obsession is a mental habit of CONSTANTLY thinking about something.

So if someone was an alcoholic they would justify that they need a drink in the morning to get going, need a drink at lunch time to calm themselves, need a drink at night to deal with the stress of the day.

And this thinking becomes self serving. It justifys my behaviour to myself, and I use it to justify my thinking to others.

Men who go to sports games ( professional soccer, basketball ), read magazines about their sport , dream about it at night....they could be called obsessive.

* Compulsive deals with behavior. Having had a thought, it leads to a feeling ( lets call it excitement, or escapism ), and then that leads to a behaviour.

An over eater ( a human being who uses food to fix their issues of low self esteem, loneliness or boredom ) uses food as a compulsive behaviour.

A work aholic would spend their days at work, rather than being a parent to their children.

A sex aholic ( compulsive masterbation, or regularly visiting brothels, or have affairs while married - and keeping it all secret ) is another form of compulsive behaviour.

A random thought about sex with a child ....is perhaps NOT evidence of OCD. But it does involve breaking social taboos .

For example, if my brother or sister was sexually molested by an uncle of mine....I would feel outrage.

If an uncle of mine had thoughts of sexual abuse of my sibling I would feel uncomfortable about it......and this feeling of discomfort would be an indication that its a breach of trust.

Now these are my views. Not every one in the world will think the way I do about this issue.

That's ok.

I am not perfect. I have been wrong before.

Thanks for letting me share.


Well-known member
The same thing has happened to me, Ameera00. Thoughts like this are common in people with OCD. Violent thoughts are also frequent. We are going to have thoughts about what affects us the most. Some mothers with OCD have had thoughts about hurting their own children. Of course you aren't a pedophile or psychopath. Once I knew this and could not be affected by them, they started to come less and less. Now I rarey have them. When one entered I imagined calmly a window or an open door and how they walked out. However, OCD ought to be treated by a professional, but I wouldn't worry.


New member

Whatsup man i have had the same spike, it nothing to worry about, but to you me saying that doesnt help, I know. All the things your are experiencing are Ocd and NOTHING ELSE. You will never be a pedahile, there is a whole backround that you would have to fit into in order to be a pedaphile. Just togive you some help you want to think your a pedahile and say to the ocd you are a pedafile, this might be hard. Another thing you might want to see doctor, just dont worry we all have had it and it will be okay.


New member
I found this forum because I was obsessing over this particular subject. I feel better after reading some of the stuff in here. I am still a little obsessive right now, but I feel better, so that's good.

It *is* nice to know I'm not alone.


New member
About the pedophilia topic.....I have had those terrible images confront me from time to time. I can usually erase them fairly quickly though. And I have never acted on them. But in my opinion, therapy is truly helpful for this recurring image. I'm about to seek medication management coupled with therapy, which I'm hoping will help me remakably.


New member
To the person scared of being a pedophile

Dear Friend,

I was so touched by your honesty about your fear of your thoughts and how you were scared being a Pedophile. I too have OCD. I don't struggle with the thoughts that you do, but I do struggle with many others.

I can totally relate to what you're feeling, utter condemnation and despair. I want you to know that these thoughts aren't you, it's your OCD. If you really were a pedophile these thoughts would not be an abomination to you and you certainly wouldn't be writing them on a forum.

One of the things I struggled with was a fear of harming my mum, someone I love very much. I even had vivid thoughts of stabbing her and like you almost for one moment would feel an urge to do it. Of course I was so distressed and just didn't want to do it....the OCD made it so real though.

Please check out these links. It might encourage and inform you.



I also noted some unkind and ignorant responses to your posting. Please ignore them. they mean well but they don't know what OCD is all about.

Kind regards,

You're not alone


I am really glad his thread has been brought up today as I am struggling with similar feelings myself. Not of sexual nature, but I want to be around this child as much as I can and I uncontrollably stare at him when I am. I think about him every moment of the day. I have a fear of eventually becoming a pedophile. :cry:


Well-known member
Well I don't know much about this, but to me, the fact that you said you felt ill after thinking those thoughts, and the fact that you realise they are wrong is a good sign.
Surely a proper pedophile wouldn't care or acknowledge that these thoughts were wrong?