Well yesterday I was having a really had day and i carried a tense/depressed look on my face. I got even more tense / frustrated when I couldnt find my car. As I was walking in the garage, I see someone I've had class with several times but never really talked. We had the awkward "should we say hi or just keep moving" body language and finally I looked over at him and nodded my head. We didnt make eye contact so I duno if he saw me or not but right after he was like "wassup dude". At that point, it doesnt make sense for me to respond back because I just nodded so I just walked on before realizing that this person was with me at the other end of the garage and he prob realized that I'm completely clueless as to where im going. I made a very worried face because of that and now I'm redoing the situation over and over again in fear that 1) he might have seen the worried face 2) thought that I was actually @#%$ off at him for not making eye contact when I nodded.
Seriously, its so stupid but it CONSUMES me ! lol. This person isin my class, hence thats what I'm worried about. That he woudl think im @#%$ off at him or something.
Seriously, its so stupid but it CONSUMES me ! lol. This person isin my class, hence thats what I'm worried about. That he woudl think im @#%$ off at him or something.