obsessive depressive thoughts


Well-known member
How can i stop obsessive thoughts?

My mind is constantly whirring around with thoughts and i can never fully relax, even when i am doing something like watch a film i have thoughts distrupting me. My thoughts are depressing, i imagine myself hurting my pet cats, and hurting my mother even though i know that these thoughts are irrational and i would never in a million years do stuff like this. The worst thing i did was look at the Iraq beheading videos a few months ago and i can't get the horrible imageary out of my mind, i also looked at a video on someones youtube account about animal cruelty, showing the fur trade and all i have on my mind now is seeing animals in pain. I just wish i would have remained ignorant to all of this and not looked at these videos.

How can i stop these depressing thoughts?


Well-known member
I have bad days where I have intrusive thoughts of all kinds spiraling through my head. What helps me is too keep busy and stay in shape by exercising often. It really clears my head. Try and enjoy the outdoors more.

Talk to a therapist. And there are alot of good self help books available. They can give you techniques in fighting these thoughts before they get out of hand.
yeah whenever a disturbing thought passes through my head, I generally drown it out with music or sometimes I force myself to think of something else (I like to make up daydreams to distract me). I know its not the best way to deal with it, but it sort of helps me...

the worst thing I have ever done was watch Saw 3, and I had disturbing images of torturing people still to this day...it makes me so upset. actually any horror movie upsets me and yet I still go out to watch them, cause my friends love them


Well-known member
I know exactly what you're talking about; I have the same problem.
My mind also has disturbing thoughts running about in it for a lot of the day. It's really upsetting when I know I would never do these things, and I can't make it stop.

I also have the same problem of getting disturbing images out of my head after I see them.
The best thing I've found that blocks them out is being on the computer because there's almost never a dull moment where they can sneak in.


those beheading videos are horrible, i found myself watching as many violent/beheading clips as possible when i was younger, it was an obsession, and i know how it feels, to this day it crosses my mind and you imagine it happening to a loved one and its horrible, i feel your pain recluse, like the other guy said, try and substitute it with positive thoughts, i honestly just drug myself(i know thats bad) but i figure theres nothing valium and oxycontin cant cure! god those beheading videos.....i mean they dont even do it with a sword or in any quick manner at all, a knife is what they use, and slowly! WTF?
Hey, I could be completely wrong, but i'm not sure if substituting them for better thoughts would really be the best option, as it could form a kind of compulsion or association. Most of what I've read suggests that the best option is to just accept the thoughts, with the knowledge that they're not you. The less you fight them the less they recur, so long as they're never acted on obviously. That way the mind can drift on to other stuff, as they thoughts are no longer considered a problem to be solved, so your mind stops throwing them at you so often. Easier said than done, I know. I've got some pretty fucked up stuff running through my head too.


Hey, I know how you feel with having the thoughts alot. I get these violent thoughts all the time and its soo annoying because I don't like them and they're gross. But it makes you think your turning crazy or think maybe just maybe you do enjoy the thoughts. But that the thought that you enjoy them is just as gross to you. Do you feel that way?