Obsessive Compulsive (Dis)Order? Can OCD be good?

I was just on the mood stabilizer Lamictal (which I hated), and about the only "good" thing Lamictal has done is reduce my OCD (Obsessive Compulsive Disorder), otherwise it put me in the hospital and nearly killed me.

As for my OCD, I missed it more than the debit card I lost last week (I never lose anything).

My OCD brought order to chaos, and put in place a system of checks and balances to help me to function on a daily basis. My OCD helped me to make sure I always put things back where I found them so that I didn't lose them. My OCD even created a priority based plan for the order in which I would do things like shampooing, shaving, and lathering before the hot water runs out in the shower.

A perfect example of my OCD is how I keep items in the same pockets in my jeans. I keep all keys and my wallet in my front left pocket, my iPhone always in my front right pocket, I put my chapstick and a lighter in that little pocket in the front right. By keeping my wallet with my keys I can put the keys under my wallet so that if I sit down they won't fall out of my pocket. Even if you turned me upside down there is a good chance everything won't fall out of my pockets. The same goes for my iPhone, by keeping my chapstick and lighter in the little pocket they prevent my iPhone from sliding out. As for my back pockets, I almost never use them. If I do, it is usually paper or something I can sit on without breaking.

The worst OCD thing I do is pick and bite my finger nails when I'm watching TV or a movie. This is something I believe I can learn to stop doing by learning some self control. I need and want to learn how to simply just be, without having to be tense or nervous. Again, this I believe is something I can accomplish without drugs of any kind by simply educating myself, and by practicing.

With all of this said, I feel like my OCD has protected me from losing things, making sure I get the most of my time when it comes to hygiene, and all without crossing any lines.

My OCD going away made me feel lost, and I couldn't find where I put anything...



Well-known member
I dunno about that. OCD has ruined my life, sent me into depression and drug abuse, and held me back in this world. Maybe for someone with symetrical-OCD you end up being productive to an extent, but nobody with Pure-O will ever tell you this shit is any type of good.

To each their own I guess.


Well-known member
I always feel the need to be incredibly quiet at home, usually because about 75% of the time someone is asleep and I don't want to wake them up. As a result, loud household noises make me cringe.

There are certainly two sides to everything. If you're anxious while driving because of OCD, it may make you drive more cautiously.

On the other hand, it could just make you so fearful that you're simply too afraid to drive at all. Basically, everything is dangerous in large enough amounts.


Well-known member
I dunno about that. OCD has ruined my life, sent me into depression and drug abuse, and held me back in this world. Maybe for someone with symetrical-OCD you end up being productive to an extent, but nobody with Pure-O will ever tell you this shit is any type of good.

To each their own I guess.

pure O is about as good as a kick in the nuts every minute for a lifetime