Obessive though about having a mental disorder?

I have OCD, and am terrefied that I have another mental disorder. This morning I had a thought/dream between the time I am sleeping and waking up. It is about a small robotic creatue that has come inside my brain and is the cause of all of my malfunctions and I am getting bosessive over it because I know logically that cannot happen, but I am afraid the more I think on it the more I will believe it and it becomes a symptom for schizophrenia. Am I crazy for thinking so. I am currently seeing a therepist and thats how I know I have OCD. I think what triggered my fear of shizphrneia was when she started disussing medications like SSRI and anti-pysochotic. Saying she didn't think I needed anti-pyschotic, but I might get some help from SSRI. Now I am afraid I have schizoprenia.::(:::(::confused:


Well-known member
Me too!!! Just recently I've been really paranoid that I'm going to develop schizophrenia. Ever since I watched a program about it the other day. I'm also not sure if I've hallucinated. I've told myself that I haven't because it freaks me out, but I really think I may have :\ I'm actually looking into going to a psychiatrist because I really just want to be able to rule it out.


Well-known member
Um, hello, you guys have OCD, so you're surely going to be obsessing about schizophrenia. Well, it's not that scary anyway, since if you had it you'll have it mild. I have a mild form of psychosis induced by using the drug LSD. It took about 3 months of using clonazepam to get over the incident, but I still use clonazepam once or twice a week (it makes me feel better)