nothing works

i think i've been on 5 or 6 different types of anti depressants now and none of them doing anything for me

the only thing that works is alcohol. :/


Well-known member
I know what you mean. I've tried 17 meds so far without even the slightest improvement. I've even had a psychiatrist give up on ever finding anything to work for me and my new one doesn't have many more options. And since alcohol is the only thing that works and it works quite well, I've become quite the alcoholic.

Well-known member
Try ditching alcohol for a while and exercising, eating healthy. I know how it is when meds don't do anything, or don't seem to do anything, but alcohol often acts as a depressant anyway.

I found with me, it was often lifestyle that added to already existing problems, or low moods. Even the simple act of getting up and going for a run, or working towards a healthy body/mind gives you more purpose and reason, or at least takes your mind off things for a bit.
Stay away from SSRIs!!!

They don't work. I have been on paxil, zoloft, and celexa. None of them affected me.

The only thing that actually made me feel like a new person was gabapentin (neurontin)

The thing that sucks about gaba is it take 2 hours to kick in and you have to take it more than once a day.


Well-known member
Stay away from SSRIs!!!

They don't work. I have been on paxil, zoloft, and celexa. None of them affected me.

The only thing that actually made me feel like a new person was gabapentin (neurontin)

The thing that sucks about gaba is it take 2 hours to kick in and you have to take it more than once a day.

Studies have a hard time showing that antidepressants of any sort work for anyone. All but the most severely depressed tend to make the difference between a placebo and the actual antidepressants almost nonexistent.


if I could go back in time I would never have started on meds....they have ****ed me up a MILLION times worse than I woulda been without them....pill pushing docs ftl
Oh btw I havent actually drank alcohol for over a year, it is just the only thing that's ever made me feel confident

right now im in the process of coming off effexor, gradually..
i think im going to look into some more natural solutions

i def. need to start exercising.


Well-known member
Maybe you need to give up the meds and try to find some alternative cure. Have you tried stuff like living super healthy with routines and eating enough vitamins and all that jazz? Difficult but some people say it works and they don't need meds... You just need to do a lot of searching to find what nutrients are important for your state.

First things I tried were lots of alternative/otc meds/supplements, tried increased protein, healthier diet, no caffeine, multivitamins pluss other vitamins on top of them, exercise, 3 month breaks from alcohol (though not in the past 2 years), increased sun, increased fresh air, and incresed water intake (I don't drink the daily recomended amount of water, so just in case decresed water intake was leading to decreased blood volume possibly leading to decreased perfusion of the brain therefore less oxygen and therefore problems, yeah think way to much into this stuff). I don't think I'm missing anything else. I will say though I did find a few things I was defficient in that helped some other problems.


i avoid all things that have caffeine in them, coffee/tea/fizzy drinks
cause they are stimulants and make my anxiety sky high (heart pulputations, etc)

as for booze, well people like me shouldnt really comment!


Well-known member
I know what you mean by having tried so many pills and none working.

Here is my list of pills that I have tried:
-Every SSRI (except Luvox)
-Klonopin, Xanax, Ativan

I am on a combo of Prozac and Xanax currently and its okay but not great. The best of the above pills for me is Xanax. Its really potent and addictive **** but its also a really good anxiolytic.

Some SSRI's do work in my experience. For me, Celexa obliterated my anxiety but the effect only lasted aboot 6 months. Prozac would probably be the #2 SSRI IMO.

As for unconventional drugs for SA I choose Opiates as the best for treating SA. Specifically Oxycodone. I have only taken the drug at small doses (5-10mg) and it makes my brain function normal. This is not an accepted treatment by western doctors cause opiates are very addictive. However, I would much rather go through opiate withdrawal than benzo withdrawal. It must be noted that I have not gone through true physical opiate withdrawal. I am speaking based on my own research and experience.

Medical Marijuana might also be something to look into. Sometimes it works for people when all other drugs have failed. The reefer works for me but its illegal where I live so I dont consider it a treatment as of yet.


I know what you mean by having tried so many pills and none working.

Here is my list of pills that I have tried:
-Every SSRI (except Luvox)
-Klonopin, Xanax, Ativan

I am on a combo of Prozac and Xanax currently and its okay but not great. The best of the above pills for me is Xanax. Its really potent and addictive **** but its also a really good anxiolytic.

Some SSRI's do work in my experience. For me, Celexa obliterated my anxiety but the effect only lasted aboot 6 months. Prozac would probably be the #2 SSRI IMO.

As for unconventional drugs for SA I choose Opiates as the best for treating SA. Specifically Oxycodone. I have only taken the drug at small doses (5-10mg) and it makes my brain function normal. This is not an accepted treatment by western doctors cause opiates are very addictive. However, I would much rather go through opiate withdrawal than benzo withdrawal. It must be noted that I have not gone through true physical opiate withdrawal. I am speaking based on my own research and experience.

Medical Marijuana might also be something to look into. Sometimes it works for people when all other drugs have failed. The reefer works for me but its illegal where I live so I dont consider it a treatment as of yet.
Opiates SUCK as long term anti-depressants. I'm living proof. I'm on 25mcg/h Fentanyl and 4-20mgs Dilaudid PRN and I'm depressed as ever. Once you use opioids for an extended period of time, you get tolerance and the high disappears, all your left with is the analgesic properties.


meds r useless and dangerous, try ACT instead, ACT works

Meds made me go from no friends, 108 lbs 5'10", 60% average to having friends, 150 lbs 5'10", and a 91% average. I'd say meds DO work, though they come at a cost(not just monetary). As for dangerous, yes some can be dangerous if you do not educate yourself and just put blind faith in your doctors.


Well-known member
I have always wondered one thing...

When SSRIs fail to help someone's anxiety or depression, is it because they fail to increase the level of serotonin in someone's brain or is it because that neurotransmitter was never the problem?


I think the answer to that question is that SSRIs dont work. I agree with everything DillJenkins said, except the opiate thing because tolerance builds so fast with them. I've even taken the same list of meds as Dill. Weird, I'm also thinking of moving to California to trade my benzos for medical pot.



Well-known member
I think the answer to that question is that SSRIs dont work. I agree with everything DillJenkins said, except the opiate thing because tolerance builds so fast with them. I've even taken the same list of meds as Dill. Weird, I'm also thinking of moving to California to trade my benzos for medical pot.


Thats sweet man. You and I seem to be in the minority of persons whom Cannabis helps Social Anxiety. I dont really understand it why it affects people so differently.

It seems weird that weed either induces panic attacks for anxious people or it really helps them for whatever reason. It helps me by "giving me something to say".

Basically I can think of things to say whereas when im not stoned I have this "blank mind" thing. And then a lot of times I will think up something to say after the conversation.

I have thought of going to California so I can be "legit". I live close to Colorado and maybe they will add anxiety to the list of medical disorders. I would certainly be a good example of someone who has tried all conventional meds (except MAOI's) without success.

A couple years ago they tried to add anxiety to the list (in Colorado) but it was declined due to "lack of scientific evidence to support it use". This seems like a dumbass reason since researchers have no incentive at all to research a (mostly) illegal drug so it makes perfect sense that there would be no evidence.
I would never take medicines. Since you took more than one kind of medicine, **** I think all the side effects will kick in and make you feel super depressed and stuff, man... I think the best thing to do is just, STOP IT! Here is what I mean, follow link: YouTube - Mad TV Bob Newhart Skit - Mo Collins - Stop it

I know it's easier for someone to tell another to stop it, but it is way harder than it sounds to just stop it. So take your time I guess or something, I hope the best for you.
Also I think comedy kinda helps... iono :(


The good thing about California medical herb is that the law reads "it may be prescribed for any chronic illness for which it provides relief." People like us do get pot in marijuana. Our medical records full of failed meds would get us prescriptions and we'd be able to grow our own meds. Sounds like the life to me.
