not your ordinary blue

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
ramble alert, hey i didnt force you to read this, so dont blame me!

there's yet another song ive probably grossly misinterpreted, called the devil's calling and the lyric goes 'this is your final chance to prove you're not the ordinary blue'
and that set everything off. writers (especially writers) and artists tend to be very depressed people, you have to wonder why that'd be. either depression causes you to think too much or thinking too much causes depression or both. either way depression and art go together.
so thought number two, tragedy! tragedy is a really weird concept, its something sad, but yet good and fulfilling because its beautiful. sad beauty, the devil's calling. since you cant shake saddness, itd be interesting to see that something as meaningful as beauty can coexist with saddness.
which leads to thought three, the harder you fight something, the worse things get, the more you fight panic, the more the panic increases. so you could give up, and be sullen the rest of your life (your ordinary blue) with the thought that if you completely accept depression and anxiety, atleast it wont get worse from dissappointment and strife. (i lean toward this option alot)
or you could prove you're not your ordinary blue, and find the beauty through the saddness. through art or music or anywhere you can. or create it yourself which would be really hard to do! but its better than you're ordinary blue

i bet you wish you had that two minutes of your life back
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the mistake many people make is they ARE depression, they ARE depressed people when in reality there are things in their life MAKING them depressed. im a creative person and ive battled depression a lot but its because of THINGS in my life that were doing that to me not because of some weird correlation with my creativity or some gene i have. i think by attaching depression to creativity you're making it into something bad, punishment or something i dont know

Lorraine Manca

Well-known member
im sorry flakeybark, i didnt mean they always go together, but just that they are often together. i was trying to make sense of that and really i was thinking about the creativity of famous folks rather than my own. tragedy has always been one of those mysteries of life for me. its something thats very negative, but people watch and read it for entertainment, as if it were pleasing, all the time. its strange and common, a weird combination. plus there's an entire dynasty of satans in literature, milton's satan, somebody blake came up with, perseus unbound from shelley,that incestuous person byron came up with(gross), satan pops up often, characters fighting their own nature. the devil's calling reminded me of that.
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ramble alert, hey i didnt force you to read this, so dont blame me!

there's yet another song ive probably grossly misinterpreted, called the devil's calling and the lyric goes 'this is your final chance to prove you're not the ordinary blue'
and that set everything off. writers (especially writers) and artists tend to be very depressed people, you have to wonder why that'd be. either depression causes you to think too much or thinking too much causes depression or both. either way depression and art go together.
so thought number two, tragedy! tragedy is a really weird concept, its something sad, but yet good and fulfilling because its beautiful. sad beauty, the devil's calling. since you cant shake saddness, itd be interesting to see that something as meaningful as beauty can coexist with saddness.
which leads to thought three, the harder you fight something, the worse things get, the more you fight panic, the more the panic increases. so you could give up, and be sullen the rest of your life (your ordinary blue) with the thought that if you completely accept depression and anxiety, atleast it wont get worse from dissappointment and strife. (i lean toward this option alot)
or you could prove you're not your ordinary blue, and find the beauty through the saddness. through art or music or anywhere you can. or create it yourself which would be really hard to do! but its better than you're ordinary blue

i bet you wish you had that two minutes of your life back

Don't apologize girl . i love your posts. and it's ok to disagree with people. lol if only I could take my own advice more often

But yeah I think depression is one of the major fuels for creativity. THe other one being love.

when you've f***ed up you sort of wanna express your frustration, anger and hopelessness some way and you can't go off whining to your friends 'cause who wants to hear someone whine about their life rite. so you go ahead and paint your emotions into a picture, a song a story etc.. it makes sense
im sorry flakeybark, i didnt mean they always go together, but just that they are often together. i was trying to make sense of that and really i was thinking about the creativity of famous folks rather than my own. tragedy has always been one of those mysteries of life for me. its something thats very negative, but people watch and read it for entertainment, as if it were pleasing, all the time. its strange and common, a weird combination. plus there's an entire dynasty of satans in literature, milton's satan, somebody blake came up with, perseus unbound from shelley,that incestuous person byron came up with(gross), satan pops up often, characters fighting their own nature. the devil's calling reminded me of that.

i know, i just dont like the thought. my sister is always carrying on about how mentally ill people are more creative (she's bipolar). tbh whenever i feel like a horse's @ss i dont rush over to my paints, i flop on my bed and cry in the dark.

i think creativity has been viewed as a kind of sorcery/devilry in the past, no wonder creative people get depressed, being different has always equaled being bad