Not sure if interview was successful or not

I had an interview few days ago applying for an office job.I was a bit nervous because I never thought that there are going to be 2 people interviewing me.
Me and the interviewers walk into another building inside a conference room to start the interview.
I shutter and stumble on my words and barley answer the first question they asked me.After that they asked me about my experience.I brought a folder showcasing my work to the interview and show them and describe my work. The interviewers kept asking me questions to see if I know what I am doing base on the things i showed them.I think I was able to answer all of their questions,not sure if the answers are what he wanted though.

Anyway,as time goes by,I gradually relax and become less nervous.I was able to speak more clearly and stumble less on words.

After that,they ask me if I have any questions,I ask them what work will I be doing if I was hired.They answered it pretty throughly,they say it will mostly be the work I showed them.They also asked me when I could start as well.But didn't say anything whether I got the job or not .They said they will get back to me in a couple of days and have to check references I gave them.

As me and the 2 interviewer are walking out of the building,they comment on the company's recreational activities for the employees and also jokingly thank me for wearing a tie to the interview.
I shake both of their hands thanking them for the interview.They both are smiling when I shake their hands.

I am not sure if these are the signs that tells if I had a successful interview or not, I probably show myself as a nervous trainwreck when we first met. I can barely hold an eye contact with them throughout the interview. I was looking down at the table most of the time.

what do you guys think?Do you think they are going to hire me?


Well-known member
From what you have said, it sounds very optimistic. Your in with at least a good chance, I'll keep my fingers crossed for you .


Active member
As me and the 2 interviewer are walking out of the building,they comment on the company's recreational activities for the employees and also jokingly thank me for wearing a tie to the interview.

I was a manager for many years and have done my fair share of interviews. The fact that they commented on your tie is a GOOD thing. A. They really appreciated you taking the interview and their company seriously. B. And most importantly...they will remember you! So when they are discussing candidates no matter how many they were you will be brought up.

As for the nervous wreak part, don't worry about it!! I'm not sure what kind of work you interviewed for but people doing interviews expect people to be nervous and the fact that you knew your stuff, wore a tie:D, and did manage to calm down are all good things! Sounds like you did a perfectly "normal" interview.

Best of luck to you and no matter what happens you did a great job! So if this one doesn't work out don't give up!! Keep us posted!
well i had the interview on Friday, so 3 days had pass since then.If I don't get called back by friday,i am probably hooped


Well-known member
Yes, it sounds like your interview was very successful! However, that doesn't mean that you will definitely get the job. I've had a few interviews that went great, but in the end they just picked someone else. It's a bummer. But, I definitely think you should celebrate the fact that you had a good interview, and just let them do the rest of the decision-making on their end. You can also send a thank you note or email, just to remind them that you are interested in the position, and to show how professionally courteous you are.
Good luck!


Well-known member
General rule: if you're not sure if something went well, then it probably did go well. We usually have a tendency to zero in on if something was a failure or not, but if something went well or just fine, we're not too keen on letting ourselves believe that.


Active member
well i had the interview on Friday, so 3 days had pass since then.If I don't get called back by friday,i am probably hooped

I was going to ask when the interview happened...Friday interviews are tough in the waiting game. Usually all the people needed to complete a hire like managers and HR aren't there over the weekend and then Monday comes around and if they don't have more interviews the daily grind keeps them busy. I'd give em til Monday...and if they are a company worth working for they will let you know either way.

Fingers and toes are crossed!!

I was going to ask when the interview happened...Friday interviews are tough in the waiting game. Usually all the people needed to complete a hire like managers and HR aren't there over the weekend and then Monday comes around and if they don't have more interviews the daily grind keeps them busy. I'd give em til Monday...and if they are a company worth working for they will let you know either way.

Fingers and toes are crossed!!


i hope everything u said is true