Nose Picker


Well-known member
So I'm sitting in my car today stopped at a signal light. The guy next to me is really working hard at picking his nose.

I yelled out NOSE PICKA!!!

Haha, jk. I wondered how can somebody feel so freakin comfortable as to do that? I don't even feel comfortable sitting in my car -- I just want to melt into the seat.

In the past I saw a guy whacking his carrot in his car. 8O Now that is being comfortable!


Well-known member
tehStranger said:
Well, i don't pick, i pluck hairs. Tinted windows are great.

my boyfriend does this while he's driving 8O ...its so gross...does he think I can't see him??


Well-known member
bluenow said:
So I'm sitting in my car today stopped at a signal light. The guy next to me is really working hard at picking his nose.

I yelled out NOSE PICKA!!!

Haha, jk. I wondered how can somebody feel so freakin comfortable as to do that? I don't even feel comfortable sitting in my car -- I just want to melt into the seat.

In the past I saw a guy whacking his carrot in his car. 8O Now that is being comfortable![/quote

Okay, i read the first paragraph.. no problemo..
Then the second one, sure.. lol
the third one yeah i agree..
then the fourth one, pardon me?
i read it again... what the hell?
i was thinking what is whacking his carrot.. lol.. i kinda imagine that guy with a carrot in his hand and whack it on his steering, sorry i kinda slow..
then it hits me..

wow he whacked his carrot ?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!?!
well honestly there's nothing wrong with that.. but in the car?!? 8O


Well-known member
I don't pick my nose using my finger, i use a tissue. But i do that at home, not out in town lol and i hate it when i've got a cold and my nose runs, i feel so self-conscious getting a tissue out and wiping at my runny nose.

Whacking his carrot in his car!!??? what are you talking about!!?? You mean his private bit or was he using a real carrot and tapping it on his steering wheel? *is confused*


lol. i see people picking their nose all the time - the guy at the coffee shop trying to be discreet behind the counter, people on the train. Whats worse is catching them EAT it.


Well-known member
:lol: ive never seen anyone Eat it after picking it in public ! ok maybe like some 4yr olds :lol:


Well-known member
nose picking is common lol. but ive never seen an adult eat it either. thats too gross