Normal when I’m drunk


My one and only friend said to me the other day and I quote ‘your really fun when your drunk and I can have a conversation with you’ (we were both sober at the time) and without even thinking about it (which would mean this is what I believe) my reply was ‘yes I know I’m normal when I’m drunk’

Otherwise I’m well you know the SA symptoms.

So my question is what is it precisely that alcohol does that gives us or me this confidence boost?


What is it precisely that alcohol does that removes the SA that we suffer with?


Why does alcohol make me normal?


What’s you view or opinion?


Well-known member
Alcohol lowers inhibitions... SA is about feeling inhibited past a "normal" degree, so alcohol perhaps take your inhibition levels to "Normal" while "normal" people would have theirs drastically lowered...

Of course, noting that, alcohol shouldn't be relied upon for SA... It could lead to dependence...


Well-known member
I kno what you mean friend, alchole, even a little can aid us in maintaining a good social life but at the same time ruin our health.


Well-known member
I probably shouldn't say this but without alcohol I don't think that I would have ever got rid of my SP/SA

the reasons for this includes the obvious, that alcohol lowers your inhibition level but also another couple of factors...

but also the act of drinking alcohol tends to put you in A LOT more social situations. I found that when I started drinking I was all of a sudden invited out a lot more and a lot more social situations presented themselves to me.

also drinking alcohol can be a very bonding experience, by getting plastered with someone you can then have a laugh about it the next day and a lot of friendships seem to grow a lot quicker.

Im sure these comments will get slammed, because yes, it is devastating for your health and I am writing from New Zealand which has a huge drinking culture. But the truth is, I'd rather be a boozer than be stuck back where I was a few years ago.


Everyone thanks for your input

Horatio I’m totally with you on this one, I mean if it wasn’t for alcohol I would have no social life at all and I probable would not have any friends at all as I don’t tent to say much when people I don’t know are present. Yes I know its bad for your health but lets face it its better than being a total loner.


For those who don’t know

Definition of Social inhibition

Social inhibition is what keeps humans from becoming involved in potentially objectionable actions and/or expressions in a social setting. The significance of this inhibiting behavior varies greatly from person to person, and may be closely linked to a person's confidence. Also, many recreational substances can significantly lower a person's inhibitions, notably alcohol. Alternatively, some substances may actually strengthen these inhibitions. As an example, abuse of stimulants may lead to anxiety and heighten inhibition. This is more common in drugs with dysphoric effects.


Horatio said:
but also the act of drinking alcohol tends to put you in A LOT more social situations. I found that when I started drinking I was all of a sudden invited out a lot more and a lot more social situations presented themselves to me.

also drinking alcohol can be a very bonding experience, by getting plastered with someone you can then have a laugh about it the next day and a lot of friendships seem to grow a lot quicker.

Im sure these comments will get slammed, because yes, it is devastating for your health and I am writing from New Zealand which has a huge drinking culture. But the truth is, I'd rather be a boozer than be stuck back where I was a few years ago.

Yup, I agree, it's pretty much the same in the UK. Drinking helps a lot simply because it's very much part of British culture whether people like it or not, and if you don't drink you're missing quite a lot of social opportunities. People on the SAUK forum have argued that you could simply go along with others who're drinking and remain sober, but it's not really the same thing is it? At least, I don't think so.

I'd rather us Brits weren't so obsessed with alcohol, but I can't change other people so I guess I've just gotta go along with it.

It does help with the whole inhibitions and anxiety thing too, but like Starry said that can lead to dependence, so you gotta be careful.


Active member
I find the same too. Alcohol makes me go out and want to meet up with friends or even people i don't know! Without it i'd be much more alone... But aswell as the health issue, there is the fact that this will not help with being able to go out to work. You can't be plastered at work!


Hello all, this is my first 'real' post on this forum :)

This is in response to the question that if alcohol makes me as a sp feel normal, the answer is yes.

My history with SA / SP... the onset of it was when I was in highscool 13+. I had friends yet was weary of groups. The people I hung out with were potheads and partiers. Like many of you guys I felt normal and drugs / booze in my head. It worked and dare I say it was my cure until 22.

I was very social and reflecting back on it now it was against my introverted nature, but, I had a hellofalotta fun with it. I've been to over 100+ raves, years of nightclubs, house partys and such.

I know this post might not of implied drinking to this extent, but I can relate to the feeling normal and being able to have fun & connect with others.

The problem for me with equating booze with being able to calm SP is that I never found that balance. For me it stopped working and I know that I am an alcoholic ( have tried to drink normally since 22 ). I am not saying booze is bad and don't look down on people who use them. What I am saying that equating booze / pot / E with being the cure for SP has let me down and has caused me huge pains that addicts experience when they hit bottom. Drugs and booze have not worked for me, like it did, since I was 22. Once they stop working you struggle with SP and life 100 fold as hard. That hellofallotta fun I had was flipped into 'riding the evil' of an alcoholic bottom.

In recovery I have had to relearn how to have relationships, deal with SP on a daily basis and live life without medicating every social situation.



Active member
Mondo said:
Hello all, this is my first 'real' post on this forum :)

This is in response to the question that if alcohol makes me as a sp feel normal, the answer is yes.

My history with SA / SP... the onset of it was when I was in highscool 13+. I had friends yet was weary of groups. The people I hung out with were potheads and partiers. Like many of you guys I felt normal and drugs / booze in my head. It worked and dare I say it was my cure until 22.

I was very social and reflecting back on it now it was against my introverted nature, but, I had a hellofalotta fun with it. I've been to over 100+ raves, years of nightclubs, house partys and such.

I know this post might not of implied drinking to this extent, but I can relate to the feeling normal and being able to have fun & connect with others.

The problem for me with equating booze with being able to calm SP is that I never found that balance. For me it stopped working and I know that I am an alcoholic ( have tried to drink normally since 22 ). I am not saying booze is bad and don't look down on people who use them. What I am saying that equating booze / pot / E with being the cure for SP has let me down and has caused me huge pains that addicts experience when they hit bottom. Drugs and booze have not worked for me, like it did, since I was 22. Once they stop working you struggle with SP and life 100 fold as hard. That hellofallotta fun I had was flipped into 'riding the evil' of an alcoholic bottom.

In recovery I have had to relearn how to have relationships, deal with SP on a daily basis and live life without medicating every social situation.


I vouch this comment too. Moderation is the key should you go out and drink/take drugs. Im almost T total now, years of drinks and drugs. A lot of good times, but it certianly hasn't helped my SA in the week.

To be honest i think drink/drugs takes its own course of action given to the person who has SA. There are so many variable factors to the cause of SA it works for some and not for others.

Just be smart about it