No sense of direction


Well-known member
I have no sense of direction where I work it's the kind of place where people ask for directions a lot and I can never work out how to get to a place even if it's just a few streets away! No spatial awareness

i wish I wasn't so damn stupid :x I just feel inferior to everyone


Well-known member
When someone asks me directions, i do try to give them to them to the best of my knowledge but if i find myself getting flusttered i just tell them something random like "straight throught the traffic lights and second on the left" just to get them away from me lol or if there is someone with me i will get them involved in it and then sort of work my way out of it lol


Well-known member
Even though I've been living in the same town all my life, I am just so crap on its street names. What makes it worse, is that I must seem to have a welcoming face (or a, I know where everything is face), because I seem to get asked for directions endless times.



Your not the only one, im bad with street names (putting it kindly) , I know in my own mind where everything is in my town, but just not good at the street names. Giving directions is a nightmare, instead of saying the street name itself, I usually state a place on that road e.g. down the road with a gym on the left handside etc..... lol, dosent exactly make you sound as if your local. I usually get a puzzled look back, like "hmm and what do you mean by that exactly" type of face.... Oh well spose I should pay more attention to street names. :roll: