No girlfriend


Finding a girlfriend has never be a problem, but keeping her is.
Each time I get very anxious and quit with the relationship.
Maybe its fear of rejection, but I don't know that for sure.

Anyone has the same experience ?


Well-known member
Actually I have the opposite, same here no real problems getting a girl to like me, but once I start to date them I stay in the relationship way too long, like a year after it is dead


Well-known member
Usually girls ask me, which is good. But I have problems with going completely silent during conversation (not know what to say), not being able to call or text, being afraid to make physical contact without the girl initiating (hugging, kissing, etc.), avoiding her and avoiding dates, lying to cover up my fears, and being unable to emotionally connect because everything I say is logically formulated. I also have that problem with staying the relationship too long, because I'm afraid to leave and because I have this logical thing where I say to myself "It will be a good experience."


Finding a girlfriend has never be a problem, but keeping her is.
Each time I get very anxious and quit with the relationship.
Maybe its fear of rejection, but I don't know that for sure.

Anyone has the same experience ?

Your lucky you have no problem finding a girlfriend, wish I could say the same, I've been single virtually my whole adult life!


Well-known member
Your lucky you have no problem finding a girlfriend, wish I could say the same, I've been single virtually my whole adult life!

I'm in the same boat as you I've been single for three years and the only reason I've ever even been in a relationship is because outside forces (friends) pushed it to happen. ::(: I feel lonely.


Same here!!!!
The only thing that stops me from getting a girlfriend is myself, aint that sad.

I'm Not There

Well-known member
I don't even get the opportunity to screw things up since girls just don't happen to say that they like me. Next monday I will have been single for 5 years (I know I'm crazy for keeping the count) and I'll be thinking all day about that one girl that did.


Well-known member
No reason to beat yourself up over this. I am guessing you are young and there will be plenty of others, so don't stress yourself out.


Well-known member
I don't even get the opportunity to screw things up since girls just don't happen to say that they like me. Next monday I will have been single for 5 years (I know I'm crazy for keeping the count) and I'll be thinking all day about that one girl that did.

I understand that one completely I've only got 3 years but I'm still stuck on the one that got away.


Main causes ?

1. Fear of failure(performance anxiety)
2. Fear of rejection

How can I overcome this fear, i'm 37 ?
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I think I am the opposite of you niel, it's very hard for me to get a girlfriend but if I do manage to get one, I'm able to keep her for awhile.

I wish I had some advice for you, but I tend to avoid all situations that would put me on the spot.