

Active member
Does anyone else get disterbing nightmares everynight? Like, so many it's just normal for you now?

If you do, let's share the ones that are so twisted we can't tell anyone else about!

In first the anxiety nightmare I remember (although not well, it was about 5 years ago), me, my mum, and my sister were going on a boat. For some reason, we had to dump something in the ocean, and let the boat sink, and not let anyone else know about it. (I think it was gang-related or something.) My mum explained the plan to me. It included tying these weights to our feet. I was scared and asked how we'd make it back to shore with weights. She looked at me funny, as though I was joking, and started laughing at me. She told me that we weren't supposed to make it back to shore. Disposing of the stuff included disposing of ourselves. I was shocked and scared and told her I didn't want to die. She told me I had to, we all were. I said it was suicide. Then we were on the boat. Then I woke up.

The worst one I remember requires some background information. My dad's terminally ill. The day before the nightmare, my mum told me that he didn't want a furneral. I started crying, because I wanted a chance to say goodbye to him. My mum ignored me, and told me that it wasn't my choice. Also that day, my best friend told me about how a women she knows had her horse shot, and sold to a pet food company. The women had told my friend all about how the horse was cut up on a tarpolen, on her property. I listened to my friend (through MSN), so she could share the truma. We're both vegetarians, so we're extra sensitive to that kind of thing. I threw up a little after she told me, although never told her. I also never told her about the nightmare I had that night. I don't want to write it out, it was that bad. But it combined the ideas of my parents not caring about how I felt, no funeral, not respecting the dead, the idea of propheting from dead bodies, killing the animal/person early, to phophet from it, consuming people. Ugh, I've never even written that out before, now I feel really sick :( :( I'm not sure if it seems bad to other people, or if it just effected me particularly badly :( :(

What nightmares have you never shared?


Nothing really twisted. However I can never tell when I'm dreaming. The last one I was rummaging through this box in my closet looking for something and disturbed a nest of spiders. One got on my foot and bit me then I woke up. It took me like 3 minutes to realize that something didn't actually bite me in real life lol.

Going Insane

Well-known member
Yeah, I have one every night... but that's not the worst part... I wake up and realize that I can't wake up from "this" continuous nightmare... You can wake up from dreams, but not from life::(:
My nightmares are really brutal. Being ripped apart by vampires, ghouls and demons. The faceless man in the dark yellow raincoat. The floating fanged head. Zombified friends. Being the last human on Earth and hunted down by monsters. Satan himself.

Sometimes though there are nice dreams but they're the exceptions. Haha


Well-known member
Funnily enough since my social life hasnt been good with things like agoraphobia and not having a life i sleep quite well most of the time and dont dream of anything. I mentioned on another thread i had about 2 dreams which wernt nightmares but they were not nice. I would wake up in my pjamas in the night, open the front door and walk around in my pjamas down the road and into the town. I know that dream is related to agoraphobia.
When i was a child however when i had a good life with plently of friends i used to not want to sleep because of my nightmares.

But now there was one disturbing dream that sticks into my mind which happened just after christmas. The dream was me in my room where i woke up in the middle of the night and the tv was left on (which sometimes i do wake up when its on) and it was a horror film on the tv and i just caught it at the end where this guys head was chopped off and his eyes were pulled out and he was screaming in agony and making this groaning sound and the head was on an old rollercoaster but going really slowly and round and round and at the end it said 'based on a true story'.
I then woke up from the dream and the tv was on and i was in my bed and the setting i was in was the same as the dream.
Really weired. :/


Well-known member
I had one where I was a young blond boy (in real life I'm female) living in an Egyptian time kind of place, like in the movie 'The Mummy' where I wore those cloth robe clothing and was running like crazy for my life because there were adult males chasing after me. I was a real quick runner though, very agile and fast. In anyway, I ran to this place to hide and seek shelter, and suddenly, someone pulled me out in the nick of time by the collar of my robe before the place exploded in huge flames. With that, I woke up.


Active member
I started getting weird dreams when I started taking Cymbalta (anti depressant) but when I went off the medication the dreams stayed with me.

Almost every time I dream I am dreaming of someone trying to catch me and kill me. Of course I never get caught by whoever it is that is after me, but the feeling I have in the dream is a knowing that if this person catches me something bad is going to happen.

Lost Girl

Well-known member
I wouldn't exactly call them nightmares, as I'm not terrified or anything, it's like I feel like I'm just sort of looking over the whole thing. I dream about getting chased and murdered often. They're always really bizarre dreams with random people and scenarios... Actually it just occurred to me that Serafina was in my dream last night, or a representation of her. She was a lawyer or something but in her 40's, along with some other fellow who was also a lawyer...for some reason we were in a house together but didn't talk to each other and there was a distinctive "I don't like you, stay away" thing going on between us lol. I was walking down the street talking to someone and I heard the Serafina type person and the fellow were beating up a young teenage boy who was meant to be a client, in the middle of a road...I don't remember what happened right after that, but next thing I know the lawyer guy was chasing me through a school, caught up with me beat me a bit, and then body slammed onto me and broke my neck. And for some reason the whole thing got on television. Totally bizarre.
Wtf right?
I dream about getting chased and killed a lot, but I'm never scared or anything. Just trying to run for my life, then failing. Hmm...deep.

The only dream I can remember from which I was truly terrified is when I dreamed of my sister who has passed away. I was at the car with my Dad and Step-mum, at a gas station or something. I went to go into the store when I saw this really brightly-lit glass room standing on it's own outside, with toys and things in it. I went over to it and saw that my little brother, daughter, and sister were playing together in there (at this point in the dream, I hadn't remembered that my sister was dead), my sister stopped playing, turned around and started walking towards me slowly expression-less. It was then that I noticed that she was a really sickly blue colour, and I told her that she looked sick and that she had to get warm and look after herself and get better, she smiled and just looked at me for a long time. Then I heard a scream coming from my parent's car. At first it sounded like my dad had somehow hurt herself, but as I got closer I realised it was my step-mum, and that my dad was beating her. As I got closer I saw that my step-mum was bloodied and her legs were broken and she screamed at me to help her. And then I woke up. It was the most terrified that I remember ever being, it felt like it was a message or something. It truly chilled me to the bone. I told my step-mum about it, but she told me not to worry about it.

Yeah, dreams blow my mind. I don't how the mind comes up with such crazy stuff while in standby mode.


Well-known member
I always have dreams where I can't get somewhere I want to go. I am constantly thwarted or getting lost.


Well-known member
I've been having nightmares daily ever since my SP started getting worse. They are more lucid thanks to Zoloft...maybe it's the cause. I agree that they are derived from anxiety, and because I am running from everything. I analyze my dreams all the time...they do say something.

Today my dream wasn't SO bad. I bought $78 tickets to an Eddie Vedder concert, but then couldn't find the place it was at (it was in this huge warped mall on stilts). I started crying because I love Vedder lol. Then I was with my teacher in a desert and he was telling me how amazing I was and hugging me. which is a nightmare because it's rubbing in my face that school was all I had and now I'm too afraid to go. >: [

Two days ago I had a dream that there were mountainlions on the outskirts of this city. I remember thinking "This is too close to a city, mountain lions can't exist" (can wilderness and industrialization co-exist?), and then the barn was gone and the mountain lion was able to get me. Then it mated with my cat and the kittens it had were half mountainlion. (pets=wild). Only I loved them. We threw the cats out (i'm assuming that as soon as people realise the true, reasonable wilderness that still exists in some things, they won't accept it), my mom said she'd put a box out for them to survive in but she forgot and a huge storm came up and killed them all. (The extinction of nature)


Well-known member
I have a lot of quite strange dreams. Some common ones are where my teeth all fall out and where I'm back at school but can't get to where I need to be for a variety of reasons. Other ones involve Russian gangsters hunting me down and car crashes.


Well-known member
When I was four, I had a nightmare that my mentally retarded uncle kept tickling me and tickling me and wouldn't stop, and I thought I was going to die.

When I was about five, I had a night mare that I was walking around in the water at some beach, and there were hundreds of dead things underneath me, mostly dogs and humans. I tried to draw my feet up but I kept sinking...

The best dream I've ever had was when I was four. Everything was vivid and colorful. I was on a colorful landscape with a clear blue river running through the middle and colorful flowers everywhere. I transformed into a multicolored otter and leapt into the water and a female otter leapt into the water with me, where we frolicked together. I never knew who she was but I've longed for her ever since, even though I never had the dream again.


Well-known member
Yes. Unfortunately, I have nightmares frequently. It's actually unusual for me to have a regular dream that isn't scary. I mostly have nightmares about what most my fears consist of: death, illness, etc. But I will have the occasional dream that's just flat out disturbing and twisted.

Last night I dreamt I was taking a shower and I got this weird, sharp pain in my bum. I looked down into the water surrounding my feet and ankles, and it was blood red. The pain I felt was getting worse. Before I knew it, all of my insides were coming out of my rectum.

Fun times! :)


Well-known member
for years ive had this dream where i walk into my uncles yard and there is a horse there .. i walk past him and next thing he kicks me and i go flying up into the air . the weird thing is i feel it , it really hurts and i feel the weughtlessness of being up in the air . i dont get how i feel it because its never happened like . i feel everything in my dreams like in a previous nightmare i was stabbed in my leg and it hurt like hell . i could feel the blade scraping against the bone and when i woke up i couldnt move my leg for ages :(


Well-known member
when that happens i leave the lights on. i sleep downstairs so im usually alone ::(: i leave all the lights on, but i still had a nightmare even with the lights on D:

the most re-occuring nightmare i had is the one where any shadow of an objects was coming towards me. then there is the one where i left the tv on so i wouldnt feel alone but as i fell asleep i kept hearing the tv talking and it was talking about me. i couldnt quite hear what it ws saying but it was saying something bad ::(: since then i dont really watch tv anymore.


Well-known member
I keep dreaming almost every night those who used to bully me.I see myself picking up my courage and confronting them.I dunno why, but when I wake up next morning I feel quite released