Nightmares are real!!!!!!


Well-known member
My worst nightmare came true!!!!!!!!!!

I was catching the bus home from work yesterday night, and anyway, we usually go past a university, so anyway, I was sitting on my bus just staring out the window, ( probably looking smug because the bus driver thought I was a child and charged me about $2.

Anyway, we stopped and there were all these people waiting and they looked sort of familiar, when they all got on the bus, I realised that they were all the people that used to bully me at school, together!!!!!!! What are the odds of that!!!!!!!!!

I was hoping they wouldn't recognise me, but just incase, I straighted my suit and why work badge, trying to look all successful ( I'm a big nerd :oops: )

anyway, they started singing this nasty song at me, "the sound of silence*
and saying oh, do you remember us?
and I lied and said NO, but one of them, said Oh she does so, she just doesn't want to admit it in this snarly voice........and when I finally got off, they yelled out bye Emma in this retarded tone.

On the one day i had bad hair, they had to show up!!!!!
Plus I had an allergic reaction the day before, so I looked really gross ( more than normal) 8O 8O :oops: :?

I mean, god, what the hell were the odds of that?
and so far from home!!!! 8O 8O :p


Hey Emma,

Sorry for your misfortune; though, you seemingly handled the situation as best as you could.

The group of people who accosted you sound like they're pretty immature and stuck in a puerile mindset, so try to have a laugh at their stupidity (or maybe you have already).

Anyhow, hope this helps.



Well-known member
Hi Emma. Sorry to hear that but you handled the situation the best way. Just ignore those folk and avoid trouble.


Well-known member
If the first thing they could do when they saw you was relate to the bullying, then they are the scum of the earth...what are they still 12 and stuck in the twiligt zone or something.

i had a similar thing happen to me when i ran into a guy who used to give me a hard time except he apologised .....

he came up to me and said ...
"look im ashamed of how i was back then, i used to have problems and i'm really sorry for the way i treated you, i dont expect you to forgive me"...

im glad the loser could admit it too :p


hey Emma, oh that's such a horrible thing to happen. But whatever they say don't let it get you down again.
I know if I ever saw them idiots who bullied me again I'd be a lot better handling the situation than a few years back.

Oh and Richey, lucky you..hahaaa...what did you say to the person who apologized?..I'd just laugh in their face, but maybe I'm a nasty bitch!

I saw one girl that used to bully me, but she just looked the other way when she saw me coming. oh and I saw the other girl aswell, she was rather friendly with me, but she didn't apologize.