Nightmare casuing real pain


A few nights ago i had a nightmare

im in the house alone at night all the lights are off i go downstairs and the door is blowing wide open, i move slowly towards the door and check outside its pitch black and very windy i close the door and lock it. Go to bed then someone comes in the house i panic i get backed into a dark room and get stabbed repeatdly. I woke up breathing heavy when it was happening i felt like i was being hit in the chest when the stabbing part happened casuing me to lose breath, is this even normal?


i have these kind of nightmares often and im never sure if they are real or not. things have happened to me when ive been awake aswell.
im wondering if its the meds im on thats causing this, im not sure though.

all i know is that these kind of experiences are absolutely petrifying.

im sure i read somewhere that bob marley had these kind of dreams/nightmares and so did peter tosh.
i think peter tosh went to see a bush doctor in africa to get rid of these "demons"

as much as i love sleeping, im also scared to go to sleep


Super Moderator
I don't know if it's normal or not, but you're not the only one who has these hyper realistic nightmares. I have had those too. It's very difficult to go back to sleep afterwards.


Well-known member
I quite often wake up heart racing and in a panic after a bad dream. Some of the worst ones seem to be where I'm really asleep but dream I'm awake. I seem to half wake up sometimes and try to make some sense of what happened, it sometimes takes me a while to get over them.

One of the most realistic ones I had (I'm not certain it was a dream) was that there was someone lurking in my neighbours back garden. It was at night and I had woken up because next doors security light was on. Through the curtains I could see shadows moving in the light so I got up and looked outside through the curtains. At the same moment this bloke in their garden looked up and stared at me for a few seconds then went and hid behind a garden seat. I flinched away in fright and looked out a few seconds later and there was no one there anymore.

I'm not sure if it really happened or if it was a dream. It scared me a lot though.