Night out tonight


Well-known member
Well ive got a night out up to my union bar tonight. Im already making excuses for myself not to too tired...its cold out. Do other suffers find themselves using any sort of excuse to get out of dealing with SA?

I know ill be fine and that ill enjoy myself, Im usually fine as soon as I arrive...but i still have this annoying build up!


Well-known member
Go man, you never know what u got untill u lose it.

I was invited to go places and made up excuses, and now look at me, a pathetic loser, I have no one to go out with, if someone would invite me it would be like heaven, but no one ask me to join them anymore.

Be glad u have friends and u have places to go, it's better than nothing, and belive me, loneliness and depression that follows it's far more worse than the anxiety.

Go for it man :wink:


Active member
Hahaha! It's cold outside. Thats what I say and I actually convince myslf. Sorry , a bit tipsy. I actually feel pretty good right now and I wouldn't mind some social interaction. But it's cold outside, I can't stand the hassel, and SNL is on.


Well-known member
Go For it scatmantom, Renegade is right, if you keep making excuses, eventually people will stop asking.


Well-known member
Yea...there was a time I didn't ever want to go out, I made all the excuses.

But recently all I've wanted to do was to go out and stay out.


Well-known member
well i went out and it was a laugh

I didnt get too drunk, and i enjoyed myself!

tonight im supposed to go to the cinema to see narnia :S

yet again i dont want to go and i am worried about hav a panic attack in a cinema full of people. Im gonna go...ill be fine once the movie starts, its not like its a horror or anything (i hate horror!)

thanks for all the support.

I dont think people who stay at home are losers at all. hope you find your happyness soon