Nice Guy Syndrome


Well-known member
romeno82 said:
hi la-girl with that i dont mean offensive aggressivness. i dont mean being unrespectful, arrogant or mean.

what i mean is making repect your needs, boundaries and your dignity. and that without disrespect none. only when someone dont respect you, you counterattack

Hi there!

Well, I'm glad I misunderstood! As english is not my first-language these things happen occasionally. Thank you for correcting me though and also for widening my english skills! :)


Well-known member
I think to sum it up, it goes something like this.

Women like strength by nature because it creates security. Security for them and their potential children.

Strength in body and character. Stability and secruity is what is needed on a biological level and it becomes extremely attractive for women.

Nice can be either strenght or weakness, but more often than not, its seen more in people with weakness. Why? One theory is that being nice means you have more empathy and feel more pain when being judged, thus you become weaker and more dependent on others opinions. The reasons are many and can be controversial, but most people will agree there is a big correlation. Its not a judement call on the benefits of being nice or not.

In any case, I think it is a valid point to say that nice people are less attractive to women..not because they are nice, but because more often then not, they are weaker.


Well-known member
romeno82 said:
i also think its just stupid that western guys let determine women howtheir menhood should be nor not be. cmon are we mens or are women slaves. also in this post: women want confident guys,... i dont give a f*** how a women WANT ME TO BE. i determine how i wanna be as a man.

Well nobody ever said you should not be free to be as you like. It doesn't seem to me that people in the western world enjoy any less freedom in that respect.

The question is, once you have successfully determined "how you wanna be as a man", whether women will find it of their taste or not. In the second case, your full freedom not being at risk, you won't find a girlfriend.


Well-known member
ciao quixote, sei italiano? rispondero in inglese

Well nobody ever said you should not be free to be as you like. It doesn't seem to me that people in the western world enjoy any less freedom in that respect.

open the eyes. what do you think has happened to the menhood in western to become such effeminated losers that needs to ask the women how they want them to be? could it that after 50 years of femminism the menhood are the real oppressed gender. the femminists tell us everyday lies that they are oppressed. do you know 1 oppressed women? i dont. but i know alot of oppressed mens

its hard for me to explain me well. what i dont like is that our "free" western society want determine how we should be as mens. have you ever heard statements like "girls like the soft type of men" or some like this. this presuppones that womens can decide how we should be. this is damn slavery. but the problem is that we listen and believe in this shit. most western guys are totally intimidated by a nice women. we have way too much respect for the women.

in worst cases we are ashamed to be a men and of our sexuality.


Well-known member
In the second case, your full freedom not being at risk, you won't find a girlfriend.

this sentence is just ridiculous. do you think a free man who is proud of his menhood is less attractive than a slave men who asks the girl how she want him to be?? do you really think that?


Well-known member
I think that the nice guys finish last is wrong. I think push overs finish last, but not every nice person is a push over. People can be nice but still be assertive and not get walked over. There is a difference.


Well-known member

You dont need to be aggressive, aggression makes you intimidating and unapproachable.

You dont need respect from anyone else, what others think of you belongs to their mind. Wanting respect from others is like a neediness a need to feel important which is based on a self centred view. Of course respect for yourself is important but not at the cost of wanting it from others. If you develop a warm heart for everyone you meet they will naturally respect you without you doing anything to 'gain respect'. And if others naturally disrespect you, then they are the ones who are in need of some help, the problem would lie with them.

You can be a strong confident 'nice guy' if you see how much others suffer from anxiety, love them because most of them suffer the same anxiety as you.



Well-known member
Woman mentality is always stupid to me..

There is a guy, fecks all of them who just landed to the working place.. So the experienced girls warns new stuff that "becarefull this guy... He is going to feck and throw you away.."

You guess the next...

Stuff lounge like his seraglio.. He almost got all of them. Nothing specially with this guy.. He talks what we talk, laugh what we laugh.. He gets all kind of girls, virgins, easy girls, super beauty girls, good educateds, marrieds... List goes on

aldebe said:
Woman mentality is always stupid to me.

That's not a fair or intelligent comment at all. Yes some women make mistakes or go for the wrong guys, but what about the mentality of the men who choose to use and abuse women? That's not 'stupid'? It's not on to generalise to all women, there are an awful lot of women who date really great guys, so to suggest that all women are stupid is quite ignorant.

If you (not speaking to anyone specifically) are someone who is constantly being down about women and claiming that they are all stupid because of who they sleep with, is it any wonder no-one wants to date you? Look at yourself and evaluate what you actually offer to women before claiming you're single because you're a nice guy. Chances are, it's not because you're a nice guy, it's because you have undesirable personality traits (such as being needy, overwhelmingly clingly or bitch about women at every available opportunity), or it's because you just haven't found the right person yet.


Well-known member
I dont know if Im a nice guy or just a quiet asshole, but I couldnt get laid in a whorehouse!

Whatever it is girls dont like about me. I wish I knew.