nhs - can they do anything ?


New member
So today i was meant to do this presentation, and I was so terrified that I told the teacher i hadnt got any info for it, even though I had, just so I wouldnt have to do it. Im 22 and at uni, and I really shouldnt let them get to me, but teachers/people in authority still make me feel like a naughty child at school ( i was not a naughty child at school, and was very good at school to avoid the attention of being told off) . and now I'm in trouble, and I really don't appreciate the negative attention I will now get for it, but how the hell can I get over this stupid fear? I could go to a doctor but will they give a shit about a fear of public speaking/social phobia ? what can i say that is most likely to get them to send me to a psychiatrist, ? because i cant go on like this much longer, !! i know the uni has counsellors but to be honest, from what ive heard, counselling is not enough for things like this( esp uni counsellors ) ? please help me if you know what i should do!!


Well-known member
I really feel for you, I'm a mature student and i know how your feeling. I just found out at college today that i have to do a 10 minute presentation In a couple months time and i am so scared. I really dont think im gonna be able to do it, i cant handle lots of people looking at me and i dont think i can speak for 1 minute let alone 10.
Have you told your tutor that you have SA? I think i may try and get the strength up to tell mine and see what she says.
I really hope you get things sorted. Its so hard when people dont understand how you are feeling and they just think your being rude and igronant.