News: Loner [b]STABBED[/b] student who [b]INSULTED[/b] him


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I saw this story in the news today & thought I'll share it here:

By Dr James Dobson

The Loner

Some years ago I served as a school counsellor at a public high school, and one afternoon I saw a student named Manny in the hall who was crying uncontrollably. I invited him into my office, and he told me what was gnawing on his insides. Manny said, “In the whole world, I don’t have one friend. Not one. There’s not a person alive who cares whether I live or die. I don’t go to school parties or football games because there’s no one to go with. I don’t have anyone to even talk to, and sometimes, I think I can’t stand it anymore.”

A year later I was talking to the vice principal in charge of discipline at that high school, and he said, “Hey, do u remember a student named Manny that used to follow you around campus? Well, he did the strangest thing today. He’s never been a troublemaker, but another student said something insulting to him, and he picked up a knife and stabbed the boy. I wonder what would make a good kid do something like that, especially when he’s never seemed to have any big problems before?”

Well, Manny’s violent behavior fits a familiar pattern. How many times have you read about a loner, a quiet young man leaving in a neighbourhood who turns out to be a killer? In most of these cases, isolation and loneliness plays a role.

Human Beings are social creatures with great needs for acceptance and respect. In some particular vulnerable individuals, the failure to find a niche is not only uncomfortable, it can even be fatal.


Well-known member
That makes me so angry fighter!!! agggggggggg When will people realise being a loner IS NOT the same as being lonely!


Well-known member
haha blessed are the cheesemakers!

Anyway, on a serious-ish note, there were many sociable serial killers, Charles Manson was! Ted Bundy was a "charmer", John Wayne Gacy (killed two dozen young men), used his SOCIAL SKILLS to lure these men and help them get jobs! HE even dressed as a clown to help hospitalized kids! SHOCK HORROR! A killer who was part of the community, whatever next?? There are more I could mention, but it still pisses me off how the media have this image of a loner as some sick, twisted serial killing, violent weirdo!?


Well-known member
Well TAWS, I won't speak for you, as I know what you get up to thursday evenings with your doll collection...but the rest of us are sane..i think


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worrydoll said:
yes someone should recognise the pain. no the media should not portray young 'loner' type men in the neighbourhood a potential maniac.

The news was not supposed to portray loners as killers or anything. This story was actually some part of an advertisement or something like that that encourages people to be certified counsoullers to help others...

McShy said:
So it was the dos'c fault, I guess. If he didn't act on what he saw, then he shirked his responsibility. I assume he's still not a councellor. Yep Manny was a loner, but then how many people who weren't loners killed anyway?

What's the point of the post?

Hey, I'm not trying to say that loners kill people or anything. There is no particular pt. to the post. Its juz that I saw this article & decided to share it. Maybe to highlight that if anyone had help Manny or others like him in the 1st place, this wouldn't have happened. I mean no ill harm :lol:


Well-known member
taws said:
im curious....did manny actually kill the guy he stabbed? because maybe it was more like a poke.....a love poke....he was just reaching out for a friend....with a knife.

I don't think so. It was just a stab, no killings or anything...I guess he felt overwhelmed by all the insults- sort of like a cumalative effect that caused him to do wat he did. But its no excuse though that he stabbed the student...


Well-known member
Wow! That made me laugh out loud, something I rarely actually do as i'm so cold and miserable! "A LOVE POKE!" hehe brilliant reaching out with a knife :lol:


Well-known member
McShy said:
Why a knife though, why not a spoon...must be something Freudian, I think?

ya, I haven thought 'bout that...maybe he planned to harm the student before he insulted him? I don't know- just a guess... hope he wasn't planning harm on some1 who didn't insult him 8O


Well-known member
As he was a loner, he probably only had one spoon, one knife and one fork? I'm guessing he lost the spoon and fork??


Well-known member
Sounds like this person also had an intense amount of anger. Not every loner is angry inside.

For example, my older brother never had friends in high school. He still has anger over people who ignored him or made fun of him. He also has violent tendencies, like if he's at a bar and someone says something rude, he will get in his face and try to cause a fight. I had few friends in high school, but I've never had a violent thought in my head towards those who ignored me. I'm not angry at them either. I just think of it as teenagers being teenagers.


Active member
If you're a Loner and you're not lonely, then I'm extremely jealous. Tell me how to get rid of the annoying need for acceptance, whats the secret?


Well-known member
I thought about that. i've had it many nights in my dreams. sometimes under life's stress, i decide to hunt down my old bullies.
Wow, break into their doors and kill all his family before killing him. That's not violence.. it's just paying back. I know i'll get away with it. Perfect crimes do exist, i'll invent them. :evil: I just wanna pay them back!
*loading his gun*


Active member
I might be lonely, but I don't think of hurting people. I turn my anger inward and don't really like myself.

If this story is true, I wish that Manny could have been helped before this happened. I think it's sad that the guidance counsellor didn't recognize and get help from a higher power (counsellor) or talked to Manny's parents about his behaviour at school.