Newbie, advice pretty please!


New member
Hiya I'm new here, just wanted to give my story see what you think any advice would be much appreciated! :D I have suffered from SA since I was about 15 and can remember the exact moment when I changed from being just a shy girl ( I had great friends and loved drama and music) to realising something had changed, and I could no longer walk through crowds at school, or perform in front of people or walk down busy roads etc etc , I am now 20 and have always known the problem and knew that I had to force myself to do the things that terrified me. For example I kept on with drama at school, I went to a new sixth form college, I went travelling alone and got a full time job which have helped amazingly with my independence and self confidence, and I would recommend to everyone that the smallest of steps can make you feel so proud of yourself and in turn help to rebuild your self esteem. I can talk to most people freely and easily, and enjoy most social situations. However I have just started university and am realising there are situations which I simply can't go on avoiding my whole life eg. Public Speaking :cry: , answering questions in seminars and being able to think off the top of my head and give an immediate honest opinion. I have realised I also have a fear of authority - be it teachers, bosses or older people criticising me or 'telling me off'. These aspects of uni have made my SA come back big time. I want to be sick before certain seminars at the thought I will be asked something I don't know and will look stupid. I tried to do a presentation the other day, shaking all over the shop, wooden performance, I knew what i was meant to say, but i was so concerned about the delivery, it was like the words just forced themselves out of my mouth in no semblance of order! I cant walk past certain areas of uni where I know there will be crowds of people! But also I find that out and about in this new city, i feel so less anxious then when i go to my home city, does anyone else get this? I can't imagine not always being so self aware in life, constantly conscious of peoples eyes and judgement. But I want to get rid of these last hang ups. It's not severe SA, - I don't have severe physical symptoms, I have friends, I can easily make new ones but I could never go out without make up on or if i felt scruffy- I know -self image issues - and i wouldnt go out at night without alcohol being part of the equation. I suppose I have found ways of dealing with SA but not got rid of the problem. I want to go to a doc, but where the hell do I start ? I know I would just start sobbing in the docs office from embarrasment alone! Another thing, I am lucky enough to have a best friend who ive been friENds with from before the SA and we have the best friendship, but I cant imagine getting close to anyone else in the same way for fear they will discover my true self and realise they don't like me- i am afraid of new close relationships, and mentally crtitique all my new friends, knowing the relationships will not last because I will not put in the effort to keep them close, afraid of rejection. :cry: :? :roll: 8O :D

Any ideas ??


Well-known member
Heyo yumyumyum :) sounds like a familiar story to mine when I was at university. There could be loads of factors contributing to your anxiety relapse. Stress is the biggy here, especially as you're at university. Id advise you to visit your g.p. - and request a therapist, thats something I should've done when I was studying, but I let loads of things build up to the point where I was totally wired by the end of the second year, like a coiled spring!
Talk therapy could be just the thing to get you back on track as it sounds to me like you may have some unresolved issues lurking, hence the relapse?
All the best!