New to the place....Lived With OCD for 15 years now.


Never knew such a place existed.
I was diagnosed at the age of 11.
And Committed to an institute for 7 months.
And once more 4 years ago.
I currently take 60mg of Prozac, 60mg of Cymbalta, and
.05 mg of Xanax if needed for Panic attacks.

I've read a few post here asking of symptoms.
Some of mine are:

Doing things an even number of times.
Hand hurts real bad at some points.
The skin cracks, and oozes like a week blood..
Going the same way home or in, and out of places.
Eating an even number of bites of food.
repeat things several times. Thoughts of suicide are common,
life SUCKS when you have to share it with OCD.
The list goes on FOREVER......and some a bit embarrassing to tell.

If anyone ever needs a friend to talk to I'm here.
For the only reason I'm alive here today, is because my mother.
Literally....for she found me, before it was too late.
That was 4 year ago. And a promise never to attempt it again.
I still have many problems.
And Every day feels as if it takes all my strength to get through.

I've taken about all the other meds for OCD.
Excuse my spelling of the medications.

Goedon------Bad side effects one this one.



Hey, well I hope this site hopes because I only found it the other day and it has made me feel a bit better with some of the issues I suffer with (which are different to yours I suffer with panic attacks/social anxiety/effects of bullying). I do have a bit of OCD but it's not completely like yours. Mine is like I have got to walk on a grid or shut the door or touch the washing machine or keep making sure the phone is down else something bad will happen?! I don't understand it really. I guess i'm paranoid.

I hope things get better for you and maybe drugs are the only thing that can help stop the OCD a little. I have spoken to different pyschatrists (teenage ones) and it really has not helped. They wouldn't put me on anti-depressants because I was under 18 and because I went in with my mum they thought "oh she will be alright her mum will guide her through it" but its a personal problem.


Well-known member
"Hand hurts real bad at some points.
The skin cracks, and oozes like a week blood.. "

That's the way I am. >< I have little cut-like things all over the back of my hand. Whenever someone asks why my hands look like they do, I shrug and just say "They always do in the winter." Eh. Not true.

Did going to the institution help you? I'm seriously considering just telling my soon-to-be therapist to send me to one, mostly because I'm yelled at by my dad nearly each day for using up so much soap. ^^; Yesterday, I used about three bottles in one and a half days. It was a bad day.


New member
I have a lot of the symptoms that you guys are describing but I don't know if mine are bad enough to actually seek help. I have issues with counting, always praying every night, touching things a certain way, irritating thoughts in my head.
I mean, it doesn't run my life but it's just really really annoying to always have it there. I've had anxiety issues when I was younger and I'm sure that doesn't help either.
What do you think? Should I seek help?