new schedule


Well-known member
another semester approaching so nervous and been thinking about it nonstop ::(: two are lab classes i just want to drop out so badly but won't hopefully.... anyone else about to begin a new schedule of some sort ?


I'm starting a new semester of college next week too.
I'm getting first-day nerves like always. I am just hoping we won't do any "getting to know each other" activities and that I won't get lost, wander into the wrong classroom, or show up to class early or late. Stuff like that. I am dreading walking into class and having people watch me while I sit down... I just hate that.
I have a science lab class too, I'm a little nervous about that as well.


Well-known member
Glad to hear you got through it, and good luck. I haved de class tomorrow, not optimistic about it at all. Have you started yours? It's for geology, which can be interesting but the class is pretty long. I just read on the syllabus, a presentation is required....tears ::(:
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Well-known member
I'm starting a new semester of college next week too.
I'm getting first-day nerves like always. I am just hoping we won't do any "getting to know each other" activities and that I won't get lost, wander into the wrong classroom, or show up to class early or late. Stuff like that. I am dreading walking into class and having people watch me while I sit down... I just hate that.
I have a science lab class too, I'm a little nervous about that as well.

Getting to know eachother activities just makes everything more awkward especially when you have to write their names down and ask random questions :S Also, why not assigned seats? It would make it a tad easier, so if your late it's no worries but of coarse not grr ::p: