New Member


Hello, I've just joined today after reading some of your posts.

I can totally relate to what people are saying about feeling lonely and isolated from the world because of SA. I can see now that my depression is really a symptom of the SA.

On paper, I guess I'm a pretty sad case. I'm a 33yr old woman, single, unemployed and still live at home with my parents. I have zero social life and can count the number of my friends on one hand. I'm so lonely.

God, this is really hard for me. I sound like such a sad loser, I hate talking about myself and avoid it whenever I can. But this can't go on. I've become so reclusive now that I almost feel like it's normal behaviour.

Can anyone relate?


Well-known member
Hi Janx, welcome to our little corner of the t'internet :) I'm a newbie too but I've been made to feel really welcome here, so I hope you'll feel the same. I'm sure a lot of people will be able to relate to how you're feeling - I know I can.


Thanks Princess_haru, its good to know that I'm not alone, although I wouldn't wish this on anybody. I have good days and bad days but sometimes I just think I should just accept who I am and reconcile myself to the fact that I am never going to quite fit in, like others can.


Well-known member
Hi Janx, and welcome to SPW! :D

Janx said:
I've become so reclusive now that I almost feel like it's normal behaviour.
Yes I can relate to this. I've had SP for so long now that, for example, I don't think twice about staying in the house all day, mostly in one room.


Well-known member
Janx said:
Thanks Princess_haru, its good to know that I'm not alone, although I wouldn't wish this on anybody. I have good days and bad days but sometimes I just think I should just accept who I am and reconcile myself to the fact that I am never going to quite fit in, like others can.

I agree with you about accepting who you are. The world needs people who don't "fit in" just as much as it needs those who do. Without the people who enjoy teamwork, co-operation and being part of the gang we wouldn't have the amenities and services we take for granted (I can't see us reclusive types running restaurants, clubs, shops, schools etc!) but without us the world would also be a very different place. It's generally the quiet, thoughtful types who create beautiful art, films, music and novels, and who make great advances in science, medicine and technology. Whether or not we do any of that though, we're still important. If all people were exactly the same as each other, there'd be no friction to create change and we'd probably all still be living in caves and hitting each other with sticks, lol :wink:


Thanks to you both for your replies. Princess, you sound like such a thoughtful person, and IceLad, I know what you mean about keeping to one room. My bedroom is like my little safehouse where I can feel safe and secure from the outside world, but at the same time its also like a little prison, and I'm trapped In it.


New member
Hello. I'm new too! I'm glad I found this forum. It's a good place to "meet" new people. Right now, I'm in college. It's pretty hard and I don't have many friends, but I believe things will get better. I spend most of my day in the house, so I can definitely relate. Ever since high school, I haven't had many friends. It's good to hear from people that have similar issues as us. so thanks for posting that! Hope things improve!


Going out gives me stress.
On the few occasions I have been invited out I automatically say 'no', coz the thought of socialising, particularly in groups, fills me with dread. I'm usually ok when I get there, but I just can't seem to get there!
I've made so many excuses to people In the past, that they just stopped asking me, and when I did say I would go, and then bottled it, people would get upset with me. But it wasn't that I didn't want to go - it was just that I couldn't.
I had lots of friends in high school, then things went downhill in college and further downhill since then. Then I suspended my uni course. Life has got harder and harder over the years not only having anxiety but having hyperhidrosis in particular of the hands. For me getting a simple part time job or heaven forbid having a girlfriend seem a world away. Socialising.. you must be kidding me.


I used to suffer from acne in my teens and throughout much of my twenties, I've only recently got it under control more. It ruined my self-confidence and I never really recovered from it. Hyperhidrosis must be pretty tough to have to deal with.