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Found this site a couple weeks ago, registered, but never posted. I'm really glad I found this site though. I've been browsing alot of the posts and I'm amazed at how many feelings and thoughts echo my own.

I've had pretty bad social anxiety and deep depression pretty much since middle school but it was something I thought I'd grow out of out of after high school but uh no dice =( I didn't even know it was an actual "problem" till a couple months ago. 24, single and still not happy =( Mostly cause I'm so annoyed with myself that I let such little stuff get in the way of enjoying life and making friends or really doing much of anything... stupid baby stuff I think most people would go "huh? Grow up" but apparently, I'm not the only one with such self conscious feelings. And ya it's caused a great deal of depression off and on but really, the depression isn't that bad anymore... not as extreme anyway. I'm just always in a down mood most of the time cause I don't really have much to do besides go to work where everyone treats me like they think I'm retarded or 12 years old. Even when I try to be positive and talk I end up feeling like an idiot but anyway...

Despite this, I have hope I can get over it so that's why I'm here =) I used to have 25 set as my expiration date years ago if my life didn't change by then. I don't really think like that anymore but my birthday IS going to be coming up in a couple months and I'm kinda bummed my only major accomplishment or anything exciting in the last 5 years was managing to get a job -_- Something that was EXTREMELY hard for me to do cause of all this BTW and depressed me greatly having such a hard time at something even as little as asking for an application or something *eyeroll*..

But... oh well... Anyway, recognizing and admitting you have a problem is the first step.. Now that I know I'm not the only one and there is stuff out there for this, I'm a lot more optimistic at least as far as overcoming this. Not sure how I'm gonna take that first step though =/

If anyone wants to talk or anything PM me. I'm a Christian too BTW and would very much like to hear from other Christians who struggle with this as well. The only reason I bother mentioning this is because, well, I know it's hard to keep faith in God when you feel like crap all the time and wonder why you're like this. Seriously, I think I would prefer to have been diagnosed and dying of cancer over SA, able live what you have left happy and full of life as opposed to a boring, loong, drawn out life, feeling trapped, so ridiculously self-conscious and unable to really talk to anyone without sounding like a moron.

Well... that's all. Hopefully I'll figure something out and put this all behind me =)