New here...having trouble adjusting to new job


New member
Hi all,
I am really happy to have found this forum. I have had social anxiety for many years now and some days are better than others. I am a college student and I recently got a job at a radio station in NYC. This is a "great opportunity" for me but frankly the past month has been hell. Of course nothing has happened but I am terrified that they all (people in the office) think I am an idiot. I can't stop myself from thinking about it. I am really trying to be positive but instead I just end up thinking about all the things I screwed up on my first day. I forgot to check the messages, I left my lunch in the refrigerator for two days, I keep misspelling things, (on and on and on) :( Everyone in the office is very nice except I get the impression that the lady who is training me thinks I am totally stupid. I am so worried about what they are thinking that I forget to listen to what they are saying and then I screw up whatever task I am supposed to be doing. It is a live call-in show so I have to be on the phone all day and I am totally terrified. Anyhow, does anyone have any advice on how to stop over analyzing everything? It is really causing problems at home because my husband does not understand why I come home and break down crying because I feel inadequate at work. People in my family are always like, "You said you wanted to do this (taking the job) but you spend all your time complaining and worrying about it." Then my husband says that I may just not be emotionally strong enough to keep a job which just makes me feel like a failure. Any advice ? Thanks for hearing me out.


Well-known member
I think you just need to give yourself time. With any new job theres just so much to remember. It will take you a while to settle in before you can decide if you are happy and the job is for you or not.
Believe me, everyone takes time to settle in. I employ people and everyone takes time to adjust in a new position. Certain things then become 'normal' and routine and don't get forgotten so easily. Give yourself a chance.


New member
Thanks for reminding me of that :D I just wish I could spend my time off not worrying about what I did yesterday or what might happen when I go in tomorrow. I just keep reminding myself of what Willie Nelson said. "Yesterdays gone and tomorrow is blind, so I just live one day at a time"
Thanks again for the encouragement!


Active member
Anytime you have a new job it's going to be hard.

But it seems to me like you are thinking the people you work with are expecting you to be a pro on your first day, which isn't the case. They know that you are new and don't have a lot of experience with the job, for all you know they might have felt the same way when they started.