New guy dilemma


So, I've been seeing a guy for about 6 weeks.

Tonight I had a panic attack in front of him. I'm usually really good at hiding them, but tonight was particularly bad and I had to say "I'm feeling really panicky". He seemed okay, and it passed, and afterwards I said I was sorry. He just said "it's okay, i was a bit worried about you". I got him to talk to me while I was having the panic attack, just about his family and his day etc. I calmed down during this, and then I was able to talk to him. I felt like I talked a lot then (,about family, childhood etc) because I was nervous. I needed to talk so I could feel like I could show him that I'd gotten over the nerves.

So I got home later tonight, and he'd put his facebook (f**king facebook) status as "----- has found that time passes when you're having fun". I sent him a message saying "or when your girlfriend talks *at* you! I do talk a lot don't I? Sorry ------". He then sends one back saying "You do talk a bit sometimes - it was still fun though :)And I liked hearing about your famiily so no need to be sorry."

I feel offended. I feel like now I shouldn't talk to him so much. I feel like there's something wrong with me again, when I was doing so well about being in this relationship and felt happy. And now I feel like, well, does he like me talking or does he want me to just shut up? We can't sit there and say nothing to each other all night.

It makes me feel like he doesn't understand what panic attacks/anxiety/depression is like. I hate this.

Can someone offer some advice, please?


Well-known member
Shakey said:
I feel offended. I feel like now I shouldn't talk to him so much. I feel like there's something wrong with me again, when I was doing so well about being in this relationship and felt happy. And now I feel like, well, does he like me talking or does he want me to just shut up? We can't sit there and say nothing to each other all night.

It makes me feel like he doesn't understand what panic attacks/anxiety/depression is like. I hate this.

Can someone offer some advice, please?

I don't see what the problem is. He says it's okay, and that he liked hearing about your family. Most guys don't play games and say the opposite of what they mean. That's your thing...ladies.
If you feel like you're bombarding him with talk and he doesn't say much back, it might be because he doesn't know what to say, or how to express himself. That was the case with me, when I had a girlfriend who talked a lot.

Just be yourself!


Well-known member
Shakey, Have some faith in yourself, you are much much more than someone who has anixety and panic attacks. Reading what you wrote, it does not sound to me asthough he has rejected you, just an acknowledgement that you were chatty. Women do tend to talk more than men I think, I rarely let my husband get a word in!

Instead of beating yourself up about how much you spoke, congratulate yourself that you coped with a panic attack in front of someone whos opinion means alot to you.

I think you did fantastic, if he stops being intersted, which I don't see any indication from that in your post, his loss! I hope it works out for you.

Peace xxx


Well-known member
Hi Shakey. There was a show on MTV that might interest you and maybe everyone else too. It was called "True Life: I Panic." This show followed the daily lives of people who had panic attacks. It showed some singles as well as a couple. You can probably find a link to watch it on MTV's website or see if they're going to re-air it.