New and need help!


New member
I just found this site and i'm so is what I have needed. Just a quick background, then I have a question. I am 20 years old, I have had panic attacks for 8 years and in the past year or 2 they have gotten worse and started making me extremely nauseous to the point of almost vomiting which is worse than a panic attack for me because I suffer from emetophobia [an irrational fear of vomiting] On August 1 of this year I had to attend my birthday party about 30 mins from my house and I had panic attacks off and on all day so I was already nervous and tried to get out of it but I couldn't miss my own birthday! I sucked it up and went, had major panic attacks the whole drive there, didn't eat the entire time I was at the restaurant, and panicked all the way home. I have not left my house since that day for more than 5 mins. I live in the middle of nowhere, the closest town is 15 mins away so I have to be able to drive. I have been practicing driving with someone in the car with me but as soon as I get out of my "comfort zone" which is only about a mile from my house I have a panic attack and think I will vomit. It's not even the panic that scares me, I have learned to deal with that over's the nauseous feeling, as weird and unusual as this fear is I honestly think I am going to vomit everyday, at some point in my day. I can't stay in the house anymore....I don't know where to go from here. I have been prescribed Ativan for times I feel a panic attack coming on but I can't make myself take them because of the side effects of nausea and vomiting. I have a boyfriend who lives 4 hours away and he's going to Iraq on Sunday for a year and I can't even get myself out of the house to go see him before he leaves, it kills me because I know if I don't go tomorrow our relationship is over. I haven't told him how bad it's gotten, I just make excuses on why I can't go but I have run out of excuses and I honestly want to see him but I am terrified to go that far out my comfort zone. I also have a friend coming into town from California on Sunday and I wasn't able to see him the last 2 trips he's had here because I was afraid to leave the house, he isn't happy with me now and I will probably lose another friend if I don't go, the catch is I have to drive an hour to the city he will be in. I have lost almost every friend I have because I haven't left my house in over 4 months, my family is frustrated and told me I have to find somewhere else to live, I haven't had a job since May, I can't live like this anymore but at this point my fear is honestly more than my will to go out and live life like a normal person. I am terrified, and I don't want to miss out on life. I am stuck, I need help...where do I go from here? I want to go see my boyfriend tomorrow but everyone says that's an impossible goal, I can't lose anyone else....I need advice!! Agoraphobia is runing my life. =(


hi ankitchens, welcome to spw!

have you tried ACT yet?

also maybe some marijuana might help with the nauseous feelings, chemo patients swear by it


New member
Thanks. =)
I have started doing the "Attacking Anxiety & Depression Program" by Lucinda Bassett, I have met people who have been cured using it but it hasn't done much for me at all. I take Dramamine from time to time to help the nausea and I wear Sea-Bands every time I leave my house but it still may not even be happening, it may be in my head because I can't help but think about it 24/7.
I used to smoke marijuana but it starting making me have panic attacks as well, it does help with nausea for sure, but I can't smoke it anymore without having an instant panic attack for some reason.


hmm i think lucinda is a quack

deep breathing, deep breathing exercises, exercise, yoga, meditation, etc. can also help, but definitely check out ACT too

eckhart tolle books might help to get you out of your head as well
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