NET MEETS! do they happen on here?


Active member
not that i know of but i have only been here a short while. however i would probably be up for this. i am 22/M from birmingham, how about u?


Well-known member
I would like to plan a huge gathering of many social anxiety suffers, but im in Canada and a lot of the people here are from the UK. Once I win the lottery, I will create a social anxiety cruise line, then we can have a giant gathering of social phobics and sail into the sunset.


Well-known member
We could sail to tropical islands or anywhere we wanted. Although if it was a social anxiety cruise, then mabey nobody would want to leave the ship. :)


Well-known member
Yeah it would be great. All we need now is a millionaire or billionaire. Anyone here secretly rich or won the lottery lately? :lol:


hi im new so a big hello :D what a great idea, make it a sunny place so when i go red i can blame it on the sunburn 8)


Well-known member
It has been always in my mind to have a gathering of lot of social phobics however it needs huge courage.

StealThis, i would certainly like to go however many of us have responsiblities good luck to those are going :D .