Nervous even typing hi.


Hey all. I dont really know where to start, im really anxious even typing on here. Anyhow, i've been "lurking" here for a while and finally decided to do the right thing and register. Soo here is my overly long introduction and story of how i got here. I know most people wont read it all, but i think its interesting :D

No surprise; I think I have Social anxiety/phobia. I've always been "shy" and avoided interaction with people. It didn't seem too bad until I started getting depressed.
I was in college doing pretty good, until all my friends went to Uni. (All honor students who where on the fast track). At the same time i got a job in my major (engineering); which i hated. I stuck with that job thinking i would like it better after school and knew what i was doing, and knowing it would look good on resumes. I met one friend call him X (he comes back in later). This lasted about 1yr.
I get my AA and go to Uni with all my friends. Everything sounds good right? I was really excited and happy to be moving to a big city and to be with my friends....for about 3 weeks. Problem was that I hadn't really talked to my friends in a year so i was really anxious about it, and avoided it. Of course i had roomies, none of them bad but all of them just as shy as me. This is exactly what i thought i wanted but it just led me to further seclusion. I went months where i hardly ever talked to people. I thought my friends all forgot about me. At the same time i decided i hated my major and hated school, you can probably understand when i say i hated everything at that time in my life.
Suddenly a door opened. I had a chance to escape the hell I had created. My parents had been thinking of opening a car lot for a while (already owns/runs related business). Both my parents knew i wasn't happy at Uni and where pressuring me to come home and start a car dealership. So after a few months of denying them and failing classes ( first time i ever got lower than a C). I convinced myself that being a car salesman; possibly the worst job ever for someone with SA was the right job for me. So i spent about about 1 year getting the business all set up and working as a manager at my dads business before opening the lot.
Big surprise I hated owning a car dealership, i hated trying to sell people stuff, i hated talking to people, hated telling people they missed payment and i was gonna be mean and repo their car. All around it sucked and my life just started spiraling into even deeper depression.
Now its been about 6 months of sitting on my butt with very little social interaction, and of course depression. But it is starting to get better, i'm seeing a therapist, and my mood is really improving. So the story comes full circle; I am going to go back to the same comm. college i graduated from 2 years ago this fall. Unfortunately, i have no clue what to major in. I'm only planning on taking like 2-3 classes. My younger brother will be attending his first semester. I am hoping to take at least one class with him, to try and meet people. He is really a social butterfly and has a crapload of friends.

Okay for the average person thats only gonna read the first and last little bit; In the last 2 yrs: Iwent to uni, got really depressed, dropped out of uni, started a business, failed a business, and am now going back to Comm college. I know i wrote a ton but i feel alot better now. and could probably fill another page :oops: thanks to anyone who read the whole thing lol.


oh yeh my friend "X" also ended up dropping out of a diff UNI at the same time I did. I saw him back in town but only hung out with him a few times. I could never get the balls to return his calls or go hang out with him. Even though everytime we hung out it was fun.


My dads business is still fine. However, the car lot will be closing soon. The manager we had in there started smoking crack :roll: and it wasn't doing really well anyhow. Not a complete failure i guess, we actually came out ahead. :?


Well-known member
A car dealership... I'd die. Find something you really enjoy and study it. If you have even one exciting class, it makes a conversation topic.
Good for you for registering! Welcome!


Well-known member
boredguy said:
Okay for the average person thats only gonna read the first and last little bit; In the last 2 yrs: Iwent to uni, got really depressed, dropped out of uni, started a business, failed a business, and am now going back to Comm college. I know i wrote a ton but i feel alot better now. and could probably fill another page :oops: thanks to anyone who read the whole thing lol.

lol i did read the whole thing but lol at your last para! hehehe