Neighbor spreading nasty rumor-help!


Well-known member
I am so upset and angry, I don't know what I really should do here. I just found out that one of my neighbors told another one(probably more),that I had starved my dogs. EXCUSE ME?!!! If anything, I overfed them! One of my neighbors who is a good friend, and has had trouble with this lady too,is on my side and she wants to go to the apartment manager with me, but the manager already told me that she doesn't want to get involved. OMG, I am so trying to keep my temper from really getting control over me. I want to confront this terrible person, but i'm afraid of what may happen. Not just from me, but she obviously has quite an issue with anger too. She has done nothing but piss me off from the first day I had moved in, what can I do here? Help!!!!!!!! :evil: :evil: :evil: :evil: :cry: :cry: :cry: :cry:


Well-known member
Just start a rumour about her. When my neighbours played loud music I joined in with some nice loud beating stuff and they soon shut up :D Saying that however, maybe it's not a good idea to get revenge...:roll:


Well-known member
Spread the rumor that your dog's been sick and that you saw your neighbor 'feeding him' something. That'll shut her up. Also, let everyone know that your dog had a limp for a week because your neighbor kicked him. It's easy to counter-attack 8)


Well-known member
The hardest thing to do, but also the most effective would be to ignore your neighbour. You clearly have something they are jealous of, maybe your dog.

Rise above it, as infuriating and insulting as it is, you are better than them, and you have a lovely pet. :)

Peace xxx

I will just add, what goes around comes around. Life has a way of giving us all back what we have sent out! Not to say you deserve this, but I am sure one day your neighbour will have a neighbour from hell themselves.


Well-known member
I can't believe how pathetic some people can be! I mean are they bored o'r what to start rumours like this! I know of someone who live near by, and he accused a man of being a paedophile for no reason! Now the man who was accused is taking him to court.


Get a solicitor to send a strong letter to them. In comon law countries like England (and I think many of the States and Canada) libel has potentially unlimited legal remedy.

Obviously don't take it all the way. But that threat will make your neighbors feel as anxious as you do. They need to understand how they make other peopel feel. They can't expect to act like 5 year olds and get away with it.