Need some advice


Well-known member
We're considering revamping our company's system and we'd like a better software that can help in auditing, complaint management, control documents, manage meetings, etc. We're still thinking about it so we haven't asked a professional's advice yet. I'm just wondering if you use something like this in your place of work, what it is and is it reliable.


Well-known member
I think you should consult a system developer because I reckon there's no ready made software made specifically for all your requirements but you can always find a freelance software developer online to do the task, much cheaper than IT companies.


Well-known member
Thank you for the recommendation and advice.
I don't think that having one custom made is for us. Doesn't it take long to create a good and reliable software?
And I'll definitely check out your recommendation. I think I've heard of them too.
A friend recommended that I try this company but I haven't called them yet for a demo.


Well-known member
But if you really want it custom fitted for your requirements then I suggest have it developed by a programmer though it's good to know that you were able to find a company that has a ready made one for you. All the best :thumbup: