need meds to function as a normal human being??

I haven't been able to take my antidepressants and my anti-anxiety meds for like 5 days now because my prescription ran out and I can't get a new one and I'm really hating what I'm going through!!! I have gotten like 2 hours of sleep in the last three nights, I get head rushes every time I move my head or eyes and today I've just been so irritable and I get pissed off and start swearing and cursing at the tiniest things like even if I make a typo...I've broken down crying like twice today and can't say a sentence without saying **** every second word.

Before I started taking the meds I was anxious and depressed all the time. Then I started taking them and my depression and anxiety were completely gone! For the first time I felt like a normal person! I don't wanna go back to the way I used to be!!!!!!!! :(


If your anti-anxiety meds are benzos, it's very unsafe to stop abruptly as you described. It puts you at high risk for seizures, especially if you're on a high dosage.
