Need help with rosacea/blushing and just friend issues


New member
Hi everyone,

I'm new to the forums, I know I should post in the intro section. I'm a guy in my 30s, and I've had a severe problem with shyness and severe blushing/flushing my entire life. About five years ago, my mom and best friend passed away after a long illness.

Some years ago, I got a job in retail and made a lot of friends and started to get out of my shell and very sociable and developed a really close friendship with an older lady, just platonic. Well last year, I had a run-in with another close friend of ours (also platonic), and I basically stopped speaking with her after he interviewed. So in the interim, she has attempted to make contact with me, and I have pushed her away, and now it's been almost a year.

And, so basically that's the short version. I think I'm just afraid I will lose her, and so I sabotaged the relationship, I know that's ironic and Freud must be in there somewhere. I'm doing my best to try and salvage our friendship, but it's really hard for someone like me, when I feel "wronged" and yet my nature is to be nice, and I don't like confrontations. Sometimes, I feel like I'm wearing an invisible sign that says "kick me". I'm a nice person by nature, and when I come out of my shell, I'm very popular, and people like me and generally think of me as a pleasant happy person.

And, I'm not getting any younger, and people my age are raising teenagers, and I've never even been on a date or had a girlfriend unless you count me hanging out with friends. And, well the relationship with this woman is close enough it's like a pseudo-relationship and kinda datey. As a matter of fact, I take platonic to levels never before heard. I've even spent the night at girl's houses, and I know she crushed on me, lol.

But yeah, I feel like this is ruining my life. Also the blushing problem. Does anyone know of any advice for make-up concealers for men. I blush quite easily, and with the job in retail, I had an endless parade of people dressed inappropriately, making lewd sexual remarks, people propositioning me, etc., etc. As you can imagine, being prone to shyness anyway, my face was in a perpetual state of redness, half the time, since part of my job description was selling condoms and KY jelly to strangers, and I'm prone to shyness anyway, ha.

Ok, well that's the short of it. Help. Thanks in advance. I don't want to be shy, single, and lonely forever, all red-faced. This is ruining my life.



New member

I think you really need to go and see a specialist like i am to help trigger the problem. Go and get CBT therapy to pinpoint the issue of the blushing to make you a more confident person.

The Nephilim

Well-known member
Hinterland, I know how you feel. I've been through similar situations many times.

I read on another thread, that someone found pinching the top of their hand (I think the skin of the top, for a few seconds) stopped their blushing, I think it makes sense, as the mind is being tricked to focus on something else. I think you could get away with doing this anywhere, as personally I wouldn't think someone odd, if I saw them doing it.