Need help. Badly.

okay so i need instant help, to cut a long story short..
there's a guy in my life, and i've known him for almost three years,
and we used to have the most greatest friendship ever,
but then a two years onwards i was grounded for two months. :(
through a year of not having contact with him, i realised that i was in love with him
i then lost contact with my friend, and he got mugged and lost his phone,
and i never saw him around
then recently he started emailing me, as he got my email through a friend as he was trying to get hold of me.
the next week i managed to get his number off someone,
but he didnt text me back when i texted him.
we then saw each other in town,
and he asked to meet me the next day,
we spent the day, catching up, debating on each others opinions, talking about the great memories, and how it was awful we chucked away such a good relationship.

the thing is i need to tell him how i feel,
but here's the problem,
its not that im scared of a rejection.
he has an Asexuality, which is also known as being a Celebate.
which the sexuality means that they no longer feel love towards people, or have sexual attractions towards someone.

should i tell him? and how?
what would you do?
please help..
as im seeing him tomorrow!
I'd Apprciate any advice anyone has to offer
Liv x


Well-known member
As I was someone who was an incel (involuntary celebate) for many years, I wonder whether or not he is asexual by choice. Are you absolutely sure of this? Well, sex generally makes it different and most asexuals avoid intimacy at all. I know I did, because of the expectations that it would lead to sex. For me it was different as my childhood sexual abuse caused me to have a huge fear and disgust for sexual acts.

You can be close friends, be even closer, just remember that there are limits.