Need Help ASAP


:? Alright, so I'm debating heavily whether I should go out tonight or not. The place I'm going to is a kickback, but I'm shy and the people who are gonna be there already have it in their minds that I'm awkward. I kinda don't wanna go, cuz I don't want to reassure them that I am. But I know if I wanna overcome my anxiety, I need to do this. Still...what should I do?


Well-known member
Just do it. I went to one a while back, it was ok.

If there's drinks, you might want to have about two, no more.

Good luck.


thanks for the advice Walk, but i decided not to go. Idk...I just wasn't feelin it tonight. (no alcohol had somethin to do wit it too). No one really invited me to it. I kinda just found out through word of mouth. Idk...


Well-known member
afrojr said:
thanks for the advice Walk, but i decided not to go. Idk...I just wasn't feelin it tonight. (no alcohol had somethin to do wit it too). No one really invited me to it. I kinda just found out through word of mouth. Idk...

Better luck next time.

It's almost all about how well the people there vibe with you.

When I went to a kick back party, almost all were much older (an older coworker invited me). Talking to 30+ yr olds when you're a 22 social phobic isn't easy. I got drunk as shit though, luckily the guy who invited me let me know I was starting to get out of hand and I left.


afrojr said:
thanks for the advice Walk, but i decided not to go. Idk...I just wasn't feelin it tonight. (no alcohol had somethin to do wit it too). No one really invited me to it. I kinda just found out through word of mouth. Idk...
Hey mate, just thought i'd say well done for thinking on your own 2 feet, life sucks when u have to suffer all this shyness stuff, good luck to you my friend.